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"Tell me, Alban, how many men remain?"

"It's your soldiers you'll want to be worried about, Your Highness." The captain of the guard was seated across from Matei in the council chamber once used by Emperor Korvan. The captain accepted the goblet of wine Matei offered him and took a polite sip. He was studiously ignoring the two Arcborn rebels who had relieved him of his weapon and accompanied him into the room. They now stood flanking his chair. "Your Starborn soldiers. For the most part, the Karelinian city guard is intact, but I have had great trouble keeping order. Rumors have spread quick as a breeze. In the space of two days the Holy City has seen no fewer than four different rulers, according to the whispers on the streets."

"So what you mean is that we lack direction."

"Yes. You have leaders in place, Your Highness; I and my deputies stand ready. We have made what assumptions we can about what is needful—maintain the patrols and reopen the gates to trade—but beyond that, I must look to Prince...Prince Kaori. How does he fare, Your Highness?"

"Well enough. He has made it clear, however, that he has no desire to rule Penrua. And Koren has fled the Holy City; I understand he has taken flight and moved south toward Narr, and I have no desire to go hunting for him if he leaves us alone. We shall officially settle matters soon enough, but I do not think the lack of a crowned head should prevent us from restoring what order we can. Do you disagree, Captain?"

"No, of course not, Your Highness," Captain Alban said. There was a nervous glint in his eye.

"Have you any news of the Archmage Jaeron?"

"No, Your Highness."

"Is it possible to conduct a search of the Mage's Keep? I should like to take the archmage into custody if it is at all possible."

"At once, Your Highness."

"And we must restore a rotation of guards to the palace and the surrounding grounds, and supplement the patrols on the streets. My main priority right now is to ensure we keep order."

"That will prove—"

A soft footstep at the door drew their attention, cutting off Alban's words. The door had been standing slightly ajar, and Mhera had slipped in without knocking. She looked from Matei to the captain in one nervous glance, but straightened her shoulders and composed her features at once. "I apologize for my tardiness," she said. "I was delayed by other matters."

Matei pushed back his chair; as one, he and the captain rose to their feet. The captain bowed. "My lady."

"Forgive us, my lady; we should have waited for you," said Matei. He gestured to the chair next to him, inviting her to sit. Mhera rounded the table and took her seat. As Matei sat down again, he said, "Go on, Captain—you were saying?"

The captain sat back down. He had not taken his eyes off of Mhera; perhaps he thought it strange that she was being granted a place at their conference, but if that was the case, he said nothing. "It will prove difficult to keep order, Your Highness. Although I think most of the city guard remains intact, there are not sufficient men to comprise the patrols you request—at least, not if you expect them to be well-rested and sufficiently fed."

"Can we not ask the Hanpean soldiers who yet remain in the city to lend their help?" Mhera said.

Matei nodded. "I think so. Uachi is my right-hand man; he is the best one to consult on this matter. I shall speak with him at once." He noted an expression of distaste on Captain Alban's face, but before he could make any further comment, Mhera spoke again.

"Will that be all right with you, Captain?"

"My lady?"

Mhera smiled at the captain. "Working with Uachi may be...challenging, given the circumstances. He is, after all, one of the leaders of the rebel forces that you so recently fought against."

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