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"Are you sure you want to attend, Kaori?" asked Aun. The breeze had ruffled her auburn locks, and a strand fell across her eyes. She reached up to push it back, squinting against the sun. "I thought you had no interest in governing."

"I don't," Kaori replied. They were enjoying a leisurely stroll through the Imperial Gardens. The days were growing chill; Aun was wearing a warm shawl and he almost wished he had donned a cloak before venturing out. "Not from any position of power, at least. But although I'm loathe to admit it, I think my being there could lend a bit of legitimacy to what they're doing. It'll be hard for the lords on the council to argue that they've stolen the throne from me if I'm there as evidence to the contrary. I just hope I'll be welcome."

"You'll be welcomed by Matei and Mhera, at least, I'm sure." She smiled at him as they passed into the shade of snowblossom tree, slowing her pace.

"Why are you stopping?" Kaori asked, looking down at her. "It's cooler in the shadow."

"Oh, are you cold?" she asked, her tone light with playful pity. She let her shawl slide down off of her arms and stepped closer to him, throwing it around his shoulders and arranging it around him.

The warmth of her wrap sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. It smelled of her: a clean scent, as of soap and fresh-ground herbs. "Now you'll be cold."

As she looked up at him, Aun's smile faded a little; she grew serious. "No, Kaori, I do not think I'm cold."

He lay his hand over hers, which still held the shawl closed at his chest. "Someone will see us loitering here," he murmured.

"Do you think?" She glanced up at the spreading branches of the snowblossom tree. A gentle breeze stirred, teasing her hair again and playing with the winter blooms that hung heavy on the boughs of the tree. A few white petals fluttered down around them, carrying with them the delicate scent of the flowers. "I thought perhaps that the branches would give us privacy enough for me to give you some warming medicine."

"Oh, did you think that?" Kaori asked. A little thrill came over him, for he thought he could read the intent in Aun's shining eyes—but he hesitated, his gaze snagging on the stark black dots of her marke, which stood out against her pale, freckled cheek. "Aun..."

"What is it, dear heart?"

Unable to give voice to the doubts that plagued him, he grasped for another, legitimate, excuse. "I would not risk your reputation."

Aun raised her brows and took another half-step toward him. She was close enough now that he could feel the warmth of her body. She parted the shawl and stepped inside of it, nudging Kaori's arm aside, and he let his hand fall upon the small of her back, holding one edge of the shawl in place. "You forget, Your Highness, that I am no Starborn noblewoman. I haven't any reputation to speak of, and so there's nothing at risk."

She raised herself up on her toes in one swift movement, and Kaori's eyes fell closed. Her kiss was sweet, and the chill of the autumn air around them was forgotten, as was the invisible barrier of their bloodlines. He felt her hand come to rest on his shoulder, and he pulled her closer to him with his left arm—but then her fingers slid down over his right shoulder, and he was reminded painfully of his shortcomings in their unequal embrace.

Kaori pulled back from her, breaking their kiss. When he opened his eyes, he was met with Aun's concerned look. "Is something wrong, Kaori?"

"No, my dove. Nothing's wrong."

This time, though, she could tell what was on his mind; he could see it in her eyes. Her hand lingered on his abbreviated arm, a gentle, loving touch, and he thought it was deliberate. "You've the council on your mind," she said.

He was grateful for her kindness. She wouldn't press him, nor call attention to his discomfort. "You've found me out."

"Let's go in, then, and you can get settled before your noblemen flood the room."


When Kaori arrived in the council chamber, Mhera was already there, standing at the window with her hands nervously clasped. She turned when she heard his footstep.

"Kaori," she said in a tone of surprise. "I had not expected to see you here."

"You look very regal," he observed, nodding to indicate the crown she wore. "Where is Matei?"

"On his way, I should think. I've seen the first of the noblemen arriving."

"Your Arcborn councilors are to attend today as well, aren't they?"

"Yes, I hope."

"I thought I might sit and listen in, if you don't mind. I'm curious to see how this integrated council idea progresses."

"I'm sure we'd both be glad of your presence," Mhera said. "I'm afraid the High Council—the former High Council—is not going to make progress easy."

There was a footstep at the door. "Kaori, what a surprise to find you here."

Kaori turned at the sound of his brother's voice. Matei looked uncomfortable in his stiff jacket; on his head, his golden circlet gleamed. "I thought I might come to wish you luck."

"Well, try not to laugh too hard if this dissolves into quarrels," Matei said. He crossed the room toward Mhera and looked out the window. "I'll be glad if there are no punches thrown."

Kaori selected a seat on one side of the council table and eased himself into the chair. "Your brooding forest warrior isn't here, so I think we'll be safe in that respect, at least," he replied.

Mhera giggled. "What an apt description of Uachi. I'm afraid Uachi will be here, Kaori; he's to sit on the council, along with Sashta, also of Hanpe. We hoped for similar numbers between new members and old. Look, Matei—that cart—do you think that's the Arcborn councilmembers?"

"It must be, seeing as there are eight of them. Let's take our seats, Mhera. I saw Lord Neldar being welcomed in the hall. It will not be long before they come to assemble. It's time to gird our loins."

*Dramatic music!* Behold: the unveiling of the Integrated Council! Good luck, Matei and Mhera

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*Dramatic music!* Behold: the unveiling of the Integrated Council! Good luck, Matei and Mhera...you're going to need it. :)

You know this by now, but your next chapter is coming on Tuesday, and we're going to hang out with Matei for a little while!

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