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That morning, Uachi was on his way to deliver orders for the next several days to the guardhouse where Captain Alban had his office, which was situated on the far side of the Imperial Gardens. He was mulling over what he would say to make the exchange as brief and expletive-free as possible. It had been challenging to work with Captain Alban, but their relationship had been a necessary inconvenience. Alban managed the rank and file guards, but the Arcborn soldiers of Hanpe and the other factions of the rebellion would never have hard-pressed to answer to him, which was a good thing in Uachi's opinion; the captain could not be trusted to manage things on his own.

Uachi chose a path through the garden, in no hurry for the quarrel he knew would be coming. As he passed by a bank of bushes with glossy green leaves and bright red berries, he noticed two people sitting on a stone bench to the side of the path: Ealin and Danya, her warden for the day, who wore the dun and green of an Arcborn soldier. Both of the women were wrapped in cloaks, and they were sitting in what looked to be a companionable silence.

When she noticed him coming up the path, Ealin's expression brightened into a sweet smile, her cheeks and her nose pink from the chill. She rose to her feet. The woman at her side stood as well, offering a nod in Uachi's direction.

"Don't stand up on my account," Uachi said. "Good morning, Ealin. Danya."

"Won't you stay for a minute?" Ealin asked. "It's a pleasant day."

"It's a cold day, is what it is," said Uachi, flexing one gloved hand and then tightening it into a fist. "But I'm glad to see you taking the air. I'm on an errand, I'm afraid."

"An urgent errand?"

He hesitated, thinking of the damnable Captain Alban. "Not so urgent. Want to take a walk?"

She gave an eager nod of her head, then glanced at Danya, who looked at Uachi in question. He shook his head and gestured to the bench. "Sit a minute, Danya. We'll be fine. I'll return her to you presently."

A knowing look passed over Danya's features. "As you please," she said, lowering herself back onto the bench.

With a sigh, Uachi turned back to Ealin and jerked his head; the young woman closed the distance between them. As she fell into step beside him, Uachi said, "Lead the way." He did not look back; he could feel Danya's gaze and her smirk.

"You look stressed," Ealin observed.

"I've a conversation coming up I don't much relish, that's all," he replied. "Trying to get anything done in this city is just a never-ending series of quarrels with people with rocks in place of brains."

"Is it? But do you not serve the emperor?"

"I do. If you think the emperor and I don't quarrel, you're mistaken. I won't go so far as to say he's an idiot, but we are practiced arguers by now."

Ealin's lips twitched in an amused smile. "The emperor quarrels? I thought people simply had to do what he says."

"Well, if you find me missing someday, you'll know where I am—in His Grace's dungeon for failing to hold my tongue." Sensing a chance to turn the conversation toward a useful topic, Uachi tried for a casual tone as he continued, "I'm given to understand that your archmage had a hand in building that dungeon."

Ealin's expression of amusement faded. Although she never challenged him with anything more assertive than silence, she hated when Uachi tried to wheedle information out of her; he could always tell by the look on her face. He was surprised when she responded at all, however briefly. "He did."

"Why? Such work seems rather out of scope for an archmage. Surely he could have delegated."

"The Glorious Emperor asked him. He had to make a dungeon magic could not break; he meant it to hold Arcborn people and rebels. No other mage and none of his apprentices would have known how to do it."

"It worked well." Uachi knew that to be true. Matei had tried in vain to break the bonds holding him in his cell until finally, the blood-binding he'd wrought upon Mhera had allowed him to tap into her energy, lending him the strength to break free.

Before he could think of another way to continue his quest for information, Ealin changed the subject. "This emperor—Emperor Matei—he's not Emperor Korvan's son." It was a statement, not a question, but there was an inquiry in her eyes.

"That's true."

"Why was he chosen as the emperor, Uachi?"

"That is a very long story, but suffice it to say that a lot of blood paid for his place on that throne," Uachi replied. "He may not be the son of your Glorious Emperor, but he's descended from a long line of royalty, Ealin. The Blessed Sovereigns themselves are his ancestors."

Ealin stopped walking, knitting her brow. "How can that be true if he isn't Emperor Korvan's son?"

"Another long story. Korvan wasn't the one with holy blood. The lines were crossed generations ago; it's Matei who has that power. So you see, he is far fitter to rule than Korvan was. Do you know we in the rebellion called him—Korvan—the Corpsemaker?"

A frown touched Ealin's lips. "What a horrid name."

"A literal name. He was no friend to the Arcborn. Believe me, we—" and here Uachi paused, hoping Ealin would realize he meant to include her in that we, for he knew she was one of them— "are glad that Emperor Matei and Empress Mhera sit the throne."

"Were there not people who wanted his brothers? He did have them, did he not?"

"Oh, aye. Folk in the city are still clamoring for Koren, and Prince Kaori's still in the palace and was a likely choice in the eyes of the Starborn, but we wouldn't have fought a rebellion had we wanted one of their arses in the golden chair. Kaori was the first one to point the finger at Matei, or so I hear it told."

They walked on for a little while in silence. Ealin seemed to be considering all Uachi had told her. At length, she looked up at him again with a frown. "Prince Kaori is here in the palace, you say. Where is Prince Koren?"

Uachi shrugged. "Turned tail and ran. There are rumors he went south, perhaps as far as Narr." With a glance at Ealin's face, he decided to explain; she had not even heard of the Duskwood, an immense swathe of forested land that was as well-known a landmark as the Imperial Palace itself, so he could not be certain she knew of Narr. "It's the continent to the south of Penrua and a part of the Penruan Empire. A nice compromise for a would-be sovereign in exile."

Ealin nodded her understanding. She glanced back over her shoulder, and Uachi followed her gaze, catching sight of the high turrets of the palace, including the tower where the lorekeeper had his domain.

"I feel I have learned nothing in my life," she said, turning her thoughtful look upon Uachi. "But if what you say is true, we are truly blessed."

"You were sheltered," Uachi said. "I hope you'll forgive me for saying it, but there is a big world outside your Mage's Keep, and it seems to me you saw precious little of it, Ealin."

"I hope you will show me," she said. "I have much to learn." 

I am sooo sorry for the late update, my friends! This was due yesterday

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I am sooo sorry for the late update, my friends! This was due yesterday. Forgive me! 

I sure wish I knew what Koren was up to. We can be almost certain it's nothing good. Any guesses?

I'm sure it came as a great surprise to everyone that Uachi and Captain Alban have not become best friends... ;) In our next update, we'll get a peek at Matei's feelings on this rather inconvenient conflict, and Uachi will share some thoughts of his own. 

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