Part 3

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Testing Fate

Part 3

*Justin’s POV*

“Man, you need to stop pacing. You are going to burn a hole through my floor. I actually like my living room,” Fredo said as he followed me with his eyes as I walked back and forth rapidly.

“She frustrates me so much!” I yelled in frustration as I ran my hand through my tousled hair.

“I’m not taking side here, cause I know you both really well and you are both close friends of mine but, I mean, I wouldn’t be so nice to you after you left me for 5 years, pregnant. I thought she actually handled it pretty well, I wouldn’t have even let you talk to me let alone let inside my house,” Alferdo said as he wrapped his arm around Francia.

“Francia?” I asked stopping in my tracks as it dawned on me that she has been friends with Selena for as long as I could remember, therefore she would know where our child way.

“Yeah?” she asked as her eyes moved from side to side while she let out a nervous giggle.

“Where is the baby?” I asked kneeling in front of her.

She sighed and began shaking her head. “It’s not my place to tell you. That’s between you and Selena.”

“Whatever,” I muttered shaking my head. “I’m going home. I need to think,” I said as I walked over grabbing my keys. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the Today show?”

Fredo nodded as I opened the door walking out into the crisp cool night.

*No POV*

Later that night as Francia and Alfredo we getting into bed, Francia let out a long sigh signaling something was on her mind.

“Okay, what going on?” Fredo asked with a small laugh.

“I think we should get Justin and Selena back together. They are so cute together. And come on we both know they still love each other,” she said crawling into bed.

“Babe, maybe we shouldn’t meddle,” he answered back quickly.

“Please,” she begged, “we can like throw a party and just accidently invite them both without letting the other know get a few drinks in them and let the magic happen. I mean do we really want to deal with Selena and Justin for the rest of our lives being all grouchy and annoying. I mean, I don’t know about you but there is no way I can handle that. I will drive me insane. Look, it’s only been a couple of hours and Selena already hung up on me ‘cause she was in a bad mood about the Justin thing.”

“I don’t know. Shouldn’t we let them work it out for themselves?”

“It’s just a little push of encouragement. Get the wheels moving. Please baby,” she said pouting her lip out.

 “Fine,” he said finally giving in earning him a kiss from his lovely lady.

*Selena’s POV*

I woke up the next morning with the light from my window shinning bright into my room.

I rolled over so my face was tucked deep into the pillow my phone went off.

“Hello?” I said into the phone half asleep.

“Selena turn on the Today show now!” Taylor yelled at me.

It was very rare for Taylor to yell so when she did, she meant business and you did as told.

I shot up and grabbed my remote next to my bed, turning the large flat screen on.

“I want to play a song, that’s a little older. I haven’t really played it much because I brought back some feeling that were hard to deal with, but now I’m ready,” Justin said looking into the camera as it zoomed into him with a guitar in his hands. “Before I begin,” he said strumming a few cords. “I just wanted to say, to this person, that I’m sorry. What I did was so, so wrong and I’ll spend forever trying to make it right, even though I know nothing will help. This goes out to you.”

I stared at the TV letting my jaw drop as he began to play the song.

“Well let me tell you a story

About a girl and a boy

He fell in love with his best friend

When she's around, he feels nothing but joy

But she was already broken, and it made her blind

But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right

But did you know that I love you? or were you not aware?

You're the smile on my face

And I ain't going nowhere

I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile

I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while,” he sang as the camera moved back and forth between him singing and zooming into his fingers playing his guitar.

I had to admit for one second I forgot all about that fact that Justin had left me alone and pregnant and just listened to thing song that Justin had wrote for me so many years ago. For a second, I actually admitted to myself that I missed him. Maybe we didn’t have the best relationship, seeing as we were always fighting but somehow it worked for us, as crazy as that may sound.

I will catch you if you fall


If you spread your wings

You can fly away with me

But you can't fly unless you let ya,

Let yourself fall,” he sang playing the last cord before looking into the camera as if he was looking into my eyes and talking directly to me. “I’m sorry. I still love you and I hope you can find it in you to forgive me.”

I knew this little stunt of his was going to be the leading story on ever news page within the next few hours and I was honestly not surprised at all when I saw that Justin’s performance was the number one trend on Twitter.

I couldn’t help but wonder if I was being too hard on him. But every time I tried to come to terms with my feeling I was reminded of how he left me in one of the most important parts in my life. If I couldn’t rely on him when I told him I was pregnant how was I supposed to ever rely on him?

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