Part 11

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Testing fate

Part 11

*Justin's POV*

I sat there in complete silence. Brayden was my son? No. There was no way. Selena said that she had gotten rid of the baby. There was absolutely no way.

"Justin, please say something..." She said moving off my lap shifting not to me.

I tried to say something but I couldn't seem to find my voice and what was I supposed to say? How does one react when something like this happens? In all 23 years of living I have never once hear of something in my situation.

Should I be mad? Happy?  To be honest, I was both. Happy that I was able to meet my son. Mad that I wasn't told he was up for adoption to begin with. Sad because he had cancer. Weird because he wasn't mine. Relieved that he had a family that really cared for him. It was just so many emotions all at once.

"Justin please," she said taking my hand.

"I-I don't know what to say Sel," I stuttered just barely speaking above a whisper.

"I'm sorry," she said as she began to cry once again.

"I need some time. I just, I'm sorry," I said standing up in a daze.

"Please don't go," she begged standing up. "Just say something. Yell at me. Tell me how horrible I am. Just do it. Call me every name in the book you can think of please. Anything will feel better than this guilt, than this disgust with myself."

I turned around and looked at her face. "At mad as I am at you for not telling me, I can't do that. I can't do that because I love you Selena. I have since day one. Even when I walked out the second I left I knew I shouldn't have done that but I thought I was too late. I have always love you despite all the stupid thing you do like giving our son up for adoption but you love me regardless of what I do too. You gave me another chance so as much as I was to scream and yell and blame it all on you, I can't because it's my fault. If I wouldn't have left we wouldn't be in this mess. We would have our son right now. We would be a family. A proper family," I expressed as a few tears slid down my face. Selena walked over to me slowly, taking my hand in hers once again.

"We are both to blame. I should have kept him but I thought he would be better off. I-I," she said before I cut her off by pushing my lips against hers.

As the kiss grew more heated by the second, I could still feel the tingles running down my back. It felt as if it was out first kiss all over again. The best first kiss. And in that moment, we forgot about everything. About scooter being furious with me, about Brayden having cancer, about him being our son about everything.

*Selena's POV*

Kissing Justin made me feel 19 all over again. I still felt the butterflies in my stomach as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist.

When the kiss broke off, we stared at  each other breathing heavily.

"What are we going to do?" He asked after we were finally able to breath normally.

I sighed a deep breath turning my head slightly to the side. "There's nothing we can do. They are his parents now. We mean nothing to him."

"There has to be something we can do. I mean we are his birth parents. We have to have some rights."

I could tell by his time he was starting to get stressed and even frustrated.

"All those rights were given away when I gave him up. There's nothing we can do but try and give him the best life as friends."

"Should we tell James and Leigh?" He asked, sulking into the sofa with a thud.

"I don't know Jay. I think we just need to go to the party and act as nothing's different and we can take the next step if we feel it's right but for not let's just keep it between us," I sighed as I tried to start picking up around the living room before Justin pulled me on his lap once again.

"We are the only ones who know?" He asked, brushing his lips along me neck.

I nodded as I began to relax under his touch despite all that we were going through.

"We should probably start getting ready," Justin noted as I buried my face in his shoulder blade.

"Yeah let's go get ready for our secret sons welcome home from being in the hospital with cancer thrown by his adopted parents. Yay," I said, every word laced with sarcasm.

Justin chucked making me shake due to how I was positioned on him.

"Come on. You are an actress. Just pretend you are playing a part. We can do this. Together," he promised sealing it with a kiss.

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