Lets go!

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Roses *POV*

When my alarm went off this morning i quickly threw my black bootie shorts with hot pink rims and a hot pink cami. thats what i usually wear for dance classes. then i ran next door beacause they have breakfast for us at the studio. when i knocked on the door Harry answered<3 i gave him a huge hug!

"Morning beautiful" he said

"morning gorgeous" i said

"ewwwwwww cooties" said louis

*all boys and i laugh*

"lets go!" said liam

"but i didnt have my tac-os" said harry

*i grabbed his hand and intwined my fingers into his*

"come on lets go pretty boy" i said

Harrys *POV*

the boys got along great with rose! i was so happy. her laugh is the cutest thing ive ever heard. her teeth are straight and as white as pearls. best part yet shes my dance partner! well now were at rehersal and were rehersing the song 'Take you to another world' now when i say 'ill lift you up ill never stop ill take you to another world' i lift her petite body above me and spin her.

"Great job boys! Harry i heard your little secret. You busy boy. *wink*" said simon

"what secret?" said harry

"hes talking abouit uus stupid! haha" i said

"ohhhhh" said harry

"ok were done today boys. Rose come here-no harry stay" said simon

"yes simon?" i said very nervously

"was it the brown eyes? or the finale?"

"aha both" i said

"ok go you love bird" said simon

Roses POV*

i ran up to harry and jumped onto his back. at least he caught me haha we were both talking and just smiling and laughing.this relationship was totally meant be.

"Do we have rehersals tmrw?" i asked

"Nope. Do you want to go clubbing?" said harry

"Wait! lets go to the carnival!"

"ya!" said the boys

Sorry this chapter was short but more to come later!


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