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Everyone i hope you enjoy this new story this idea popped into my head i started writing and couldn't stop...........PLEASE vote comment fan.

This first chapter is dedicated to RyderRulesTheFey one of the best boyxboy writers i have every known.

Chapter 1

“Mom I don’t want to go stay with Aunt Sandra and Uncle Leon.” I whined.

“I’m sorry baby, but I can’t just leave you here by yourself, for the whole summer,” she told me. Here’s the situation my mom, her boyfriend, and my grandparents are all going on a three month cruise to Europe and they leave in a week. My older sister is taking a year abroad in Germany, and my little sister, the lucky midget, is with her “father’s” mother on a cross country trip visiting historic sites and every amusement park in the country. Then there’s me my mother doesn’t trust me alone for the summer, so she is sending me to stay with my distant relatives up in the mountains of Pennsylvania.

The reason I don’t want to go is not really the people, it’s the place. My aunt and uncle live in the small town my grandfather grew up in, were they barely have anything to do. Now here comes the icing on the cake, they don’t have Wi-Fi.

“Why can’t I just stay in Philly, the city I love and not be sent to a place where I’ll die of heat exhaustion while I'm waiting for dialup because they don’t have Wi-Fi.” I complained.

“J stop being so dramatic, and for your information to make your stay more enjoyable Aunt Sandra got Dish’s satellite internet,” she said, “now go make sure you have everything you want to take pop pop will be here in 10 min to take you to the bus station.”

I was gonna say something else, but my mom gave me the ‘do as I say or you’ll regret it’ look so I just went upstairs to my room to make sure I got everything needed. I went through a mental check list to make sure I had the things I needed to survive the summer:







[x]Laptop speaker



[x]Hygienic supplies

[x]Bus ticket

Oh and just in case they don’t have one I'm taking my wireless router. Then, just as I put the router in my bag and closed it up I hear a car horn and then my mom yells that my grandfather is here, so I grab my bags and head downstairs. I kiss my mom goodbye then I head outside and get in my grandmother’s minivan.

The ride to the greyhound bus station was really quiet I listened to my music my grandfather listened to the radio, when we got there and he helped me get my bags out the car he finally spoke,

“Now James mind yourself up there your aunt and uncle are old don’t be giving them a lot of trouble, you hear me.”

“Yes pop pop,” was all I said.

“Ard, here’s 100 dollars.” Man that is 600 dollars now, my mom gave me 350, and my grandma gave me 150. I don’t think they know that they each gave me money, and I wasn’t saying anything.

“Thank you, bye pop pop see you in a few months,” I called out as he was pulling away. I turned around to see that my bus was now boarding, so I picked up my bags put them on the bus, showed the driver my ticket, then I went to find a seat where I could possibly be alone.

The ride was long and tiring I couldn’t sleep so I could make sure I didn’t get robbed. When I got off the bus my Uncle Leon was there waiting.

“Hey Uncle Leon,” I greeted when I reached him. He was a bit taller than me with short gray hair, a bit of a beer gut and a small mustache.

“J look at you I haven’t seen you in so long, boy have you grown,” he said.

“Thanks Uncle Leon.” We load my bags into the car and head for his house. On the way we made small talk about how I’ve been, and what my family has been up to. When we get to the house after a half hour drive he grabs my suitcases while I grab the duffel and my laptop bag. The house looks like all the rest around its one story, but big it has like four bedrooms and 2 ½ baths. As soon as we walk into the house I am hit with the smell of dinner, then I'm pulled into a vice grip hug by my Aunt Sandra.

“James darling look at you, you got so big and your turning into quite the good looking young man,” were the first things she said. She did the usual elder family female member thing to do; she gave me a big kiss on the cheek, probably leaving a mark with her favorite red lipstick.

“So sweetheart how was the bus ride, are you hungry, there is some food on the stove, want me to make you a plate?”

“No thanks Aunt Sandra the ride was very long and I didn’t get any sleep, so if it’s ok with you guys I just want to take a nap.”

“Oh, of course, that’s fine baby. You’re gonna be staying in your cousins old room,” said my aunt then showed the way. I was so glad my cousin is a guy; he is like 30 and lives in Ohio, because the room was a royal blue with a blue and black bedspread.

“Ok baby you can put your clothes away later get some rest,” she said while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“Ok night Aunt Sandra night Uncle Leon,” I said before they walked out. I didn’t feel like looking for clothes to sleep in so I just stripped down to my boxer briefs and went to sleep.

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