Poetry Results (Books 11-20)

60 5 2

Judge: RubaiaKhatun

11. Forever by moanlight - 7.5/10.

Review: The cover is nice and the title is also okay. Poetries inside are what I felt is a blending of broken emotions which the author tried to pen down in simple words. It was simple and easy to understand. What I believe is poetry should be that what the author want and not others. But here, in this book I think the poet could have tried using bits of figures of speech. It enriches the work. And I liked the structures that the poet crafted. It's not necessary to always ornament poems but sometimes those ornaments can create more effect on the reader.

12. Sympoetic by karinberry - 9.57

Review: The cover of the book creates an interest to read the book and the title gives a glimpse what we can expect inside. While reading the book I felt like I'm perceiving various shades of love and the way it has been blended is amazing. It's bit emotional too and I liked the structures of the poems. But what I liked most is the short stories. If someone wants to know what love can actually do, must read this book.

13. Celare by growingupinsane - 9.85/10.

Review: The poetries inside the book goes well with the cover. They were like paintings whose colours are made of love and pain. Liked the structures and the way they have been crafted. Quite emotional. The choice of words are also nice. Overall a good book to read. And the last poem is really very beautiful piece.

14. The sleek skin of Leviathan by Di_Rossi - 10/10.

Review: This is one of the most amazing poetry books I've ever read in my life. First of all it's really very hard to pen down a 'verse novella' and the way the poet did it, is amazing. The structures are very wisely crafted and the bonding between Jacob and the uncle is just wow. It's rare to find such awesome characters. The portrayal of strange boy through them and also the use of Leviathan, the ship and the constant comparison between land and sea through out the book is too good. I've no words to express. Hats off to the poet for writing such an amazing piece.

15. Thoughts, short stories and poems by StrangeLikeMe - 7/10.

Review: Poetries are nice and the poet has the ability to pen down some thing really good. But i felt all the poems are bit of same tone. Use of vocabulary should me more and also structures could have been better. Metaphor and similes can be used to enrich the poetries. But they are good and the meanings are well shown through them. In short, more deviations should be brought. Lexical, grammatical, graphological - all these deviations will make the poems more beautiful.

16. Where We Went by MayGarner - 9.65/10.

Review: Such an emotional book. I smiled, cried, felt broken but at the same time there was a fire in the book. A fire that was trying to burn the reason behind the feeling of being broken. I always say that 'let your emotions rule your words' and this book was constantly reminding me that. It's a beautiful blending of emotions that has been coloured with words. But I felt that the structures could have been more beautifully crafted and I would also like to recommend the poet to use pause instead of using too much comma(,) or dots (...). Using pause, you can give the reader bit of freedom how much pause he/she wants to take. But this use of pause is totally my opinion, the poet can use if she wants.

17. Love Lost by AuthorOfHerOwnUrban - 8/10.

Review: Nice book. Cover and title was perfect for the theme of the poems but I would love to see some structure in the poems. I mean it lacks deviations which can make a simple poem more beautiful. I liked the poems. They are emotional and showing hatred but at the same time love for a person. Add some deviations and it'll be good.

18. A song named Poem by RajoshiChakraborty - 9/10.

Review: The poet thinks out of the box and the theme of the poems are unique. I liked 'the bard's play' and felt very close to the poem 'crave'. I just felt you could add a touch of lexical deviations and with that, graphological. These deviations will give another level to the poems.

19. Icarus by Skipper_019 - 9.25/10.

Review: Poetries inside are really very good. Some of them have beautiful structures while some have lots of figures of speech. Some have lots of deviations but some of them are lacking it. I particularly liked 'The Pen' because of the emotions behind but I feel it's structure could have been better. But all the poems are beautiful. The poet have all the elements inside and used each and every one in different poems. But it could have been better if the poet blends them all in each and every poem.

20. Bled Words by the_lost_soul - 9.5/10.

Review: The poems are really heart touching. The words hit the heart like a sharp needle. There are lots of graphological deviations, though some poems are lacking structures, may be that is the structure of those poems. Adding some lexical and grammatical deviations I guess will bring more variety to the poems. And I must say the cover and the title is perfect for the book.

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