General/Historical Fiction Results (Books 11-20)

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Judge - @mysotia_

11. The Watchers Chronicles - Sarah's Book

Cover: 10/10 - Looks very interesting and fits the theme of the story.
Title: 10/10 - Suitable and also really interesting, includes hints on the story but doesn't show too much.
Summary: 5/5 - I like the idea of two summaries for one book, never seen that before.
Characters: 15/15 - Sarah is described so detailled with all her feelings and I can really relate to her. The characters also seem somehow connected and there are not too many
(it doesn't get confusing.)
Dialogue: 5/5 - Not too many, not too little.
Grammar: 20/20 - There are hardly any issues.
Plot: 25/25 - So far really interesting and I am thrilled to see how it will continue, the best plot of all the stories, well done!
Overall Enjoyment: 10/10 - I really enjoyed reading this, it was very thrilling and I can't wait for more.

Total: 100/100.

12.The New Regime

Cover: 9/10 - The cover looks really interesting and it also fits the story.
Title: 10/10 - Fitting title that catches attention.
Summary: 5/5 - Not too short, not too long and overall really nicely done.
Characters: 12/15 - There are lots of characters and it is a bit hard to keep track of their interrelations but they are all interesting and I really liked them.
Dialogue: 5/5 - Good dialogues.
Grammar: 19/20 - Barely any mistakes, really well-written.
Plot: 17/25 - It is a bit confusing because there are so many characters and new things are constantly revealed.
Overall Enjoyment: 8/10 - It was fun to read and it is different to most books about WW2.

Total: 85/100.

13.Help me to trust

Cover: 10/10 - The cover looks really professional and attracts the readers.
Title: 8/10 - The title fits the story.
Summary: 5/5 - Summary catches the mood of the book quite well and makes me want to read more.
Characters: 15/15 - The characters are interesting and detailled just as they should be, there are interesting twists and some characters surprised me more than once.
Dialogue: 5/5 - Interesting dialogues, they show the character development reallly well too.
Grammar: 14/20 - There are some issues here and there and the tenses are a bit chaotic.
Plot: 25/25 - The Plot is really interesting and there are nice twists, cliffhangers at the right places too.
Overall Enjoyment: 10/10 - I really enjoyed reading this story, it's gonna be one of my favourites.

Total: 92/100.

14.Me against myself

Cover: 3/10 - Not really ideal. Red writing on black background is hard to read. Also, I don't really see the story connection.
Title: 9/10 - The title sounds really interesting and made me look forward to read the story.
Summary: 5/5 - Represents the story well, interesting and catchy.
Characters: 6/15 - At the beginning the main character is a bit annoying and we don't get to know much about her issues. This gets less as the story develops.
Dialogue: 5/5 - The dialogues area mainly the text conversations between the protagonist and Hunter, the boy she falls in love with. They are a key element in this story and very well written.
Grammar: 12/20 - There are some problems with vocabulary and tenses and the sentences are very long so it is hard to read sometimes.
Plot: 15/25 - Develops really slow but eventually becomes interesting.
Overall Enjoyment: 4/10 - In the beginning the story was quite heavy to read but as it develops, it got more interesting.

Total: 59/100.

15.Letters of a Farouche

Cover: 10/10 - I really like the cover, it looks interesting and refreshing.
Title: 5/10 - I'm not really sure how it is related to the book.
Summary: 3/5 - Nice summary, it could be more catchy but overall good.
Characters: 9/15 - Some characters are quite boring and I don't really understand why they are there. They are not really remarkable, I struggle to remember their names. I feel like they wouldn't be missed.
Dialogue: 5/5 - Nice dialogues.
Grammar: 15/20 - There are some problems with times and some words in context.
Plot: 13/25 - The plot is a little boring. Every chapter is quite similar and I don't see much evolvement.
Overall Enjoyment: 6/10 - It was okay but I have read better stories.

Total: 66/100.

16.I met you when I was 18

Cover: 9/10 - Looks really nice and interesting.
Title: 9/10 - At first it didn't quite fit but I really like what the author made out of it.
Summary: 5/5 - Not too short, not too long and really catchy - A good representation of the story.
Characters: 15/15 - Some of my favourite characters! I especially like that Josh is not the typical "invincible" bad boy and shows his fears.
Dialogue: 5/5 - Just right.
Grammar: 20/20 - Almost no errors.
Plot: 25/25 - Amazing plot, interesting twists and awesome ending.
Overall Enjoyment: 10/10 - This is one of my favourite stories I read so far, really unique, I will remember it for a long time.

Total: 98/100.

17.Prosper: War Shadows

Cover: 10/10 - Great cover. Looks very professional and suits the story
Title: 9/10 - It's not a catchy title but it suits the book you are writing
Summary: 5/5 - Sounds very interesting. Good job!
Characters: 15/15 - Very interesting characters, they have great determination, develop a lot and really shine in this book.
Dialogue: 5/5 - Just the right amount and very informative.
Grammar: 20/20 - There are no real issues, the author expresses everything really well and creates a fitting atmosphere.
Plot: 25/25 - Awesome plot, I never saw anything quite like this book before. Also really great that there are notes explaining the historical background.
Overall Enjoyment: 10/10 - I really enyjoed reading this story, it was one of the best.

Total: 99/100.

18. 16 and pregnant

Cover: 7/10 -
Title: 6/10 -
Summary: 0/5 -
Characters: 11/15 -
Dialogue: 5/5 -
Grammar: 11/20 -
Plot: 15/25 -
Overall Enjoyment: 7/10 - Nice story overall and I enjoyed it a lot. It was really entertaining so far

Total: 62/100.

19. Spaces

Cover: 3/10 - Not really appealing. It is kind of boring and doesn't say much about the story.
Title: 8/10 - Really interesting title!
Summary: 5/5 - Very deep and interesting. Wish the actual book was the same.
Characters: 2/15 - Ahm... the book is basically a diary and the characters react all very unrealistic to my mind, throughout all the chapters they stay the same and constantly new ones are added which makes it hard to follow.
Dialogue: 3/5 - Dialogues are alright. Not very outstanding, not bad either.
Grammar: 9/20 - Some real issues in the grammar. Confused tenses and lots of verbs in the 3rd person instead of the 1st. Needs review.
Plot: 5/25 - The authors own (rather uninteresting) life. Nothing really has a connection and it feels more like a diary to write your worries in than a story.
Overall Enjoyment: 1/10 - Not really my type of book. Too much cursing, too little content that acutally matters.

Total: 36/100.

20.Our past lives

Cover: 8/10 - Looks interesting and has a good connection to the story. I like it!
Title: 10/10 - Great title. Really catches my eye.
Summary: 4/5 - Certainly sounds interesting.
Characters: 15/15 - Great characters. Really love them. They have a fully fledged personality and every one of them is loveable.
Dialogue: 5/5 - Perfect amount of dialogues. Just like it should be.
Grammar: 17/20 - There are some issues here and there but no big deal overall.
Plot: 23/25 - The idea is just amazing. It is something different. I really like it. Also, the plot seems thought through. There are only 5 parts so far but a lot already happened and I can't wait to read more.
Overall Enjoyment: 10/10 - I will definitely continue reading this book. It is great. Keep on like this!

Total: 92/100.

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