Poetry Results (Books 21-30)

77 8 1

Judge: shalumenon12

21. Paper Doll - chocolettie

Poem Title: 4/5.
Cover: 5/5 - I liked both title and cover of your book. Title intrigued me to know what's the book about. Even the cover was good, the color was well coordinated and the photo of sad doll was also good.

Description/Summary: 6/10 - The summry was okish . There wasn't anything special about it.

Title: 8/10 - Titles of each chapter werr good. It gave a clue what that chapter was about. The fact that you ended your first chapter with the title was also a good addition.
Originality: 9/10 - I enjoyed reading your poem , every poem which I read was unique in its own way.
World Selection: 13/15 - There weren't any such words that would have blocked the flow of emotions. The language was simple, which was great.
Understanding: 13/15 - The way you described each chapter was impressive, the best thing was each chapter had different style of writing. It was written well enough for me to understand the situation.

Emotions: 14/15 - As a writer you were able to convey your emotions to me.

Overall Enjoyment: 13/15 - I quite enjoyed reading your book, there were some hiccups here and there, but still it was a great one.

Total: 85/100 (8.5/10)

22. Imperfect - ashbobat

Poem Title: 3/5.
Cover: 1/5 - Title of your book was good , but honestly I didn't like the cover at all. Rather than telling about title, I would like to tell you why I didn't like your cover.
Firstly , the picture was good one, the land with cracks shows imperfect. The title and authors name isn't even clearly visible. I would suggest you to have bigger font as well as bold font.
Description/Summary: 5/10 - Firstly, you don't need to introduce yourself in books description. There is a place for ur introduction in your profile.
Secondly, you have written about words, which was good, but as a reader I would have prefered if you had written about it as a prologue or introduction. It wasn't needed in your description. And if you still want it in description then just use one or two sentence, nothing more than that. If the description of your book is small and simple, it would create curiosity to the reader to read more.
Title: 8/10 - The titles was pretty good.
Originality: 8/10.
World Selection: 13/15 - Your poems were well written and there weren't anything wrong with the words that were used.
Understanding: 13/15.
Emotion: 14/15 - You were able to convey ur thoughts to me, each chapter was beautifully penned and I could connect with your chapters very well.
Overall Enjoyment: 13/15 - Your book was great, all the poems were beautiful but the cover and description is something that you must change.

Total 76/100 (7.6/10)

23.Where the clouds cry - wordsareshelters

Poem Title: 4/5.
Cover: 3/5 - Title was great, but when I look at the cover, it somewhat contradict your title. Where the title give me sad vibe, the cover is colorful and gives me happy vibes. Description/Summary: 8/10 - A short and sweet description, with limited words, you gave an idea of what to expect.
Title: 8/10 - Like your description, the title gives away the mood of each chapter. Even the banners that are used are pretty good.
Originality: 9/10.
World Selection: 12/15 - The poem is well written, but at some chapters I felt like something is missing.
Understanding: 13/15 - Majority of the chapters are beautifully penned, you were able to convey your thoughts. I especially loved the chapter Replenish.
Emotion: 14/15 - Each chapter conveyed emotions very well.
Overall Enjoyment: 12/15 - Overall, all the emotions were fully conveyed , other than a chapter or two I loved what I read.

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