Romance Results (Books 1-10)

325 12 3

Judge - -StrangeLikeMe-

1. To Love Lustfully - CannibalisticNecro

Title: 10/10 - It suited the story. 

Cover: 10/10 - Unique!

Summary: 5/5 - No errors peaked my interest.

Characters: 12/15 - Good character development but not enough.

Dialogues: 5/5 - Helped the flow of the story.

Grammar: 15/20 - A few errors.

Plot: 18/25 - Mostly flowed smoothly but had a one or two confusing moments.

Overall Enjoyment: 10/10 - Very unique and original story idea.

Total: 85/100.

2. Don't you Remember - CarrieGChandler

Title: 10/10.

Cover: 8/10 - Didn't 100% suit the story.

Summary: 5/5 - No errors, makes you want to read it.

Characters: 10/15 - Character development but not a lot.
Dialogues: 5/5 - Great dialogue between characters.

Grammar: 18/20 - A few mistakes.

Plot: 10/25 - Too rushed at points in the story.

Overall Enjoyment: 10/10 - Great love story.

Total: 76/100.

3. Bad Boys Girl - qiilaaae

Cover: 10/10 - Went well with the story.

Title: 8/10 - Not original.

Summary: 3/5 - Spelling errors.

Characters: 8/15 - No changes in characters remained the same.

Dialogue: 5/5 - Went well with the flow of the story.

Grammar: 5/20 - Many, many grammatical errors made it difficult to follow along with the story.

Plot: 10/25 - No major conflicts or climax, story did not flow smoothly.

Overall Enjoyment: 5/10 - Story has too many errors and did not flow.

Total: 54/100.

4. New Girl in Texas - gritikanojia

Cover: 10/10 - Fit the title.

Title: 8/10 - Doesn't flow. 

Summary: 4/5 - Spelling errors.

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