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"Oh shit." The realization just hit Taehyung. His roommate's brother was the famous RM and he was at his house yesterday. Jimin knows about his split personality. And Jungkook is now his boyfriend. Of course Taehyung knew this he just hasn't been able too proses it all. And now it hit him all at once along with a lot of negative thoughts.

"Tae hyung?" Jungkook mumbled half asleep. But as soon as he heard Taehyungs desperate gasps for air he was right awake. Jungkook knew the signs of a panic attack. He and all his brothers friends had at least experienced it once. How sad it may seem he was glad about it now or else he wasn't able too help.

"Tae hyung." He called out loud enough too get Taehyungs attention. His eyes were unfocused, his face was red and seemed too be turning blue from lack of air and their were tears running down the boy's face. "Hey listened too me. Take deep breaths with me okay." Jungkook said instantly taking it upon himself to calm Taehyung down. 

"Yeah that's it we're nearly there. Just a few deep breaths." Jungkook said after about a half hour of calming Taehyung down. "Thank you." Taehyung rasped out. His voice raw and deep from gasping for air for so long. "Are you okay now?" Jungkook asked hugging him. "Yeah. Sorry for waking you up." Taehyung mumbled against Jungkooks shoulder. "Don't apologize. Because if I didn't I wouldn't be able too help you. Let's just go to sleep. It's midnight. I don't want to have you be sleepy throughout the day." "Okay, but please don't let go." Taehyung mumbled. "I wasn't planning on it. Just sleep and we will talk about this in the morning."

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