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"Are you okay with having sexs?" At that question Taehyung freezes. "I just want to know before I do anything that might hurt you because V and I have been pretty much poking each other to do it." "I-I don't know." Taehyung said as his breath picked up. "hyung just breath. I'm not forcing you. I'm just asking if your okay with it." Jungkook said stroking his hair. "Kook I'm afraid that I will freak out and hurt you." Taehyung said looking at Jungkook like a deer caught in headlights. "We're only doing it when your ready not any sooner." Taehyung relaxed at bit when Jungkook said that. "Kook can you hug me?" "Always hyung."

The next day when Jungkook came over then next day Taehyung was anxiously pacing. "Hi hyung. Are you okay? Did something go wrong at the therapist today?" Taehyung just shook his head. "It went amazing. I got my new prescription and we actually spoke about us having sex." Taehyung took a deep breath. "And we came to the conclusion that I won't know till we try. Everything else seems to go fine so why shouldn't this." Taehyung smile. "Okay but you have to say when you need me to stop." Jungkook said hugging his hyung. "Also Jimin hyung is coming over in a while."

Not long Jimin was present in the apartment too. "How are you Tae Tae?" Jimin asked happy to see his friend. "I'm greet. How are your wounds?" "Better but they still hurt a bit. But I have Taemin helping me."

"I will get it." Jungkook announced when the door bell rang again.

"Hi Kook." Yoongi greeted. "Hi hyung where are the others?" Jungkook asked a but confused. Yoongi was alone this time. "Aish you brat are you not happy to see me?" Yoongi said clicking his tongue making Jungkook giggle. "Good thing I'm here to speak to Taehyung." " Come on hyung."

"Hi Yoongi hyung." Taehyung and Jimin greeted. "Here kid you deserve it." Yoongi said handing him a big envelope. Everyone looked confused at him. "Well are you going to open it or stare at me?" Yoongi asked clicking his tongue. "Sorry." Taehyung softly said before opening the envelope.

"We are here by happy to inform you that you got the Job as creative assistant at Big Hit entertainment. In this envelope are the drafts for upcoming projects. Start putting ideas on paper." Taehyung las out loud before he squealed loudly along with Jimin. He didn't even bother to read the rest before he hugged Yoongi. "Thank you hyung." "Kid can you let go. It's not that big of a deal." Yoongi said not liking the skin ship. "It is to me. So thank you." Taehyung said letting go. "It okay kid. But I have to go now. See you at work."

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