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Please don't hate me

"Kook, are you okay?" Taehyung asks as Jungkook massage his temples. "Yeah, just a headache. I need to get my lens back in." Just as Jungkook stud up he lost his balance making him fall on his butt.

"I just come in on the best times and worse times." Jimin laughed as he came into their apartment. "Forgot my jacket, bye."

Taehyung got the lens for Jungkook after helping the younger up. "Why did we give him a key again?" Jungkook asked a bit annoyed with how Jimin just walked in all the time. "Because he basically lives here. And his roommate is a asshole."

Just than they heard a loud crash from Jimins dorm. Both boys looked at each other with worried and surprised faces. But before the could do anything they heard a loud scream which sounded like Jimin.

Both boy ran to Jimins door knocking loudly on the elders door. "Hyung open the door!" Taehyung yelled worried. The loud noises from inside sounded like their was a fight going on. "Hyung open the door! Show us that your okay." Jungkook yelled as the both kept nocking on the door.

It was no use as the door stayed close and a loud cry escaped from the other side. "Jimin hyung!"

"What's happened?" Taemin asked. The worried boys turned around to see Taemin with a bouquet. "We don't know. Their is all this screaming and sounds of a fight coming from Jimins dorm and he won't open the door. Taemin reached into his pocket grabbing a key and opening the door.

All three ran into the room only to find a unconscious and bloody Jimin and his roommate looking at his bloody hands in horror. When the boy noticed them he started rambling a bunch of incoherent words with a scared expression. It didn't take long before the police and ambulance arrived.

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