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"You know you guys look cute together." Jimin randomly said making Taehyung chock on his tea form Starbucks. "What?" "I mean you and Kookie." Jimin said innocently smiling. "I ship you guys." "Can we just get him a gift?" Taehyung asked a bit uncomfortable by the subject. "Sure thing." Jimin said as the walked true the shopping centrum.

"Hey you never told me what happened at lunch." Jimin suddenly said making Taehyung freeze. "Uhm well." "Come on Taehyungie. It's not like I'm going to stop being in your presence because of it. I just want to know what happened." Jimin reassured. "Promise." Taehyung said looking Jimin in the face with a new found courage. "Promise." "Well I have a split personality." Taehyung mumbled loud enough for Jimin to hear. "Isn't that like a coping mechanism?" "Yeah it is. How are you so calm about this?" Taehyung asked confused. "Because if it's a coping mechanism something happened which you probably won't like to think about and would not like to define your live." Jimin said serious. "Well now that that's out of the way let's get your future boyfriend a gift. We can't let him wait too long." Jimin said all seriousness vanishing. "Yeah." As soon as Jimin got that conformation he dragged Taehyung into a store.

"What do you think of this?" Jimin asked showing Taehyung a bunny stuffy. "That looks just like him. Expect the eyes." Taehyung laughed. "Is that going to be your gift?" "Yeah. But I just need a with shirt to go with it." "He got enough of those." Taehyung commented. "No, not for him. For the bunny." Jimin said making Taehyung burst out in laughter.

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