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When Jungkook came back to the dorm he was definitely in need of a shower. He was sweaty in all places from dancing and running away from Jimin. He had a small smile on his face as he thought about the midget trying to kill him. But his smile dropped when he saw Taehyung, probably still V, laying on the sofa with his phone in hand.

He decided to try his luck with the feisty older. So he sat down under his legs and rubbed his tights comfortingly. He smiled a bit when the older let a small sigh escape his mouth and his annoyed face turned to a slightly less annoyed expression.

"Bab- Jungkook. Can I trust you." A deep voice asked after a while of just laying their. He was definitely still V. "Of course you can hyung. What made you doubt that?" He felt bold. He was really pushing his luck now. But it was worth a try. "The past. The entire reason Taehyung created me." V spoke sadly. "Would you mind telling me what happened?" Jungkook asked.

It was dead silent for a few seconds which seemed to last 100 years. "Okay." V breath out. "But you have to promise me that I can trust you with this and you won't leave Taehyung because of it. Or me." That last part came out nearly inaudible. "I promise you. Isn't purple also the color of trust?" Jungkook said pecking the olders lip reassuringly.

50 shades of purple (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now