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"Hi Kookie were in Japan now." Namjoons voice came true the phone. He sounded happy. But that was soon replaced with worry when he heard Jungkook sniffing. "Ggukkie are you okay?"

"I'm in the hospital now. Taehyung overdosed." Jungkook said as new tears fell from his eyes.

"Oh Ggukkie. I wish I could hug you now. Is he okay?" Namjoon said feeling his heart clench at those words.

"Yeah, he's awake now. I can't take being in this place. So many bad things have happened here." Jungkook says seeing his hands shake. "This place only holds bad memories."

"Just tell him. He would understand. Asks Jimin to come and get you." Namjoon suggested.

"Okay I will but can we talk about something els. I need to take my mind off this place." Jungkook says taking a shaky breath. "How is the tour going?"

"It's great but hearing Yoonseok going at it is a con." Namjoon chuckled.

"Figures." Jungkook chuckled whipping his tears.

"Sorry Kookie I need to go but when you get home throw a onesie party like we used to. It will cheer you up." Namjoon said watching how two band members lead the room.

"Thanks hyung. I will."

I think that I'm going to change all my covers. But I have so many options so I let you guys vote.

 But I have so many options so I let you guys vote

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