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As Jungkook was rambling on about Jimins crush Taehyung did his best to ignore V's voice. "Get away from him. He's going to hurt you." He didn't know why but V was so sure Jungkook would hurt him. "Get away!" As sudden scream erupted in his head making him move away from the table. Jungkook watched in shock at the sudden action. The clattering of the chair falling on the ground brought the boys back to reality. "Pills." Taehyung muttered as he made his way towards the bathroom.

His breath was staring pick up as he frantically searched for his medication. "You can't get rid of me." V kept chanting in his head making him panic. I'm part of you. You'll never be free." He finally found it. He grabbed it with a shaky hand. "Do you really think you can escapement you brat. I'm here to protective you." The bottle in Taehyung hand fell from how much he was shaking and his knees couldn't hold up his weight anymore.

"Tae-hyung." Jungkook kept trying to get the panicking boys attention. "Hyung." No response. At this point Jungkook was afraid Taehyung was going to pass out. The boy hand curled himself up in a ball as he was shaking and hyperventilating. Jungkook grabbed Taehyungs hand and placed it on his heart. Taehyung looked up as soon as her realized his hand was moved. He tried to jank his hand way but it was no use.

"Tae look at me. Try to match my heart beat." Jungkook said caressing the older face with his free hand. Taehyungs gaze focused on Jungkooks purple eye and instantly felt himself grow calmer. "That's it baby. Take deep breaths with me." Jungkook kept praising the elder as he tried to calm himself. "Can you tell me four things in the room?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung took a shaky breath before trying to answer. "S-s-si-si-nk, t-t-too-bru-sh,..." "your doing great sweetie." "S-Soap and mi-mi-mir-r-ror." Taehyung concluded. "Great job. Now three things you can feel." "Y-your heartbeat, the f-f-floor and your hand." Jungkook was glad his breathing was slow enough to talk now without stuttering every word. "Two colors." "Purple and w-whi-ith." "Nearly there. One thing you smell." "Your shampoo."

Jungkook hugged his boyfriend in relief. He didn't know what caused the panic attack but he was glad it was over. "Kookie can you grab my medication?" Taehyung asked tiredly. Jungkook complied and gave Taehyung his pills with some water. Taehyung quickly swallowed the prescribed amount before letting his body lean on Jungkooks again. "Thank you." He softly said feeling his tired eyes close.

Jungkook chuckled lightly when he heard soft snores telling him Taehyung had fallen asleep.

I know I didn't post yesterday when I said I would post daily. To be honest I was just lazy and watching a movie before update my other books.

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