I'm Not Perfect

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I wish I was perfect. But I am no where near there. I have too many flaws to count.

I cut myself, I cry until my body becomes numb. I watch as the blood oozes from my skin with a smile. I watch as my own blood falls to the floor.

I hate myself to the point where it would turn into verbal abuse. I think that if I could just die right now, that maybe, just maybe people would care for me. But I know they won't, and that hurts the most.

When I think that I will fit in, and stand out like a black finger on a white hand.

I think of suicide, almost everyday. And I'm a coward because I'm too afraid of what will happen when I'm dead.

But that's what makes me so imperfectly perfect.

So yeah, I embrace it. And I accept that,

I'm not perfect...

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