The Depressed Girl (Part 1)

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She trudged each day, feeling uneasy.

Her eyes as dull as she was. The life and spark completely gone.

The scars on her wrist covered by her favourite pink hoodie.

Her face emotionless and her body numb.

She might as well stay in the darkness because she can't make it to the morning.

She screamed for help, but she was afraid to to be healed.

She was to confusing, even for her own self.

That constant battle in her head everyday wouldn't stop fighting her.

She wanted to die, but she was afraid of what would happen after she died.

That's the only thing that stopped her, the only thing.

There was no point to live anymore she thought. 

Being happy was impossible because being torn and forcing yourself to be happy was torture to her already broken/damaged self.

But she was okay in everyone's eyes. Even when she looked sad,

maybe she was just in a bad mood; people thought.

She wish she was. But she's not.

She completely lost hope in everything. Because she always will be

The Depressed Girl

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