Chapter 17

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"Nathan doesn't deserve happiness"

My eyes widened. Kenny. Nathan's uncle. It made sense now. He hated Nathan, for what reason, I will never know, but he knew he wanted to die, so he made him suffer.

I began to run back to my car. I hopped in the front seat and stepped on the gas. He was shooting. I drove fast but it was too late, he shot my tire. My heart skipped a beat as I skidded of the road and down the hill. The car twisted and turned down it. The air bag burst open and I tried to push it away. Then the car stopped. I was hanging out of the front window. Blood everywhere.

I was terrified.

I was going to die.

I tried to reach for my cell phone.

"FUCK!" I screamed. There was an agonizing pain in my arm. I used the other hand.

I could barely see the phone. For what reason, I don't know, but i could still kinda see, so I dialed Nathan's number.

"Rayne! What the fuck were you thinking? Where the hell are you?"

I tried to speak but no words came out just a few coughing noises.

"Rayne please!"

I hung up the phone and quickly went to text him.

I used my one good hand and typed in "Need help, hill by the lake."About 20 seconds later the phone began to ring. I answered "Rainy I'm coming, please stay strong." I suddenly felt a throbbing pain in my chest. I screamed.

"Rayne!" I hung up the phone. He would know I'm okay when he saw me. Well, I wasn't okay, not at all. I lifted my head up barely to find that my head was oozing blood. Along with my legs, and arms. But mostly my chest. There was a huge gash. I tiled my head and let the pain sink in. I closed my eyes and began to see a bright light. Then I began to make out a face in the light. Blonde hair and brown eyes, like my mother. But not my mother, this woman was way more beautiful. Then I realized, Lucy.


I found myself standing in a field of flowers, completely unharmed. I was wearing a white dress and my long brown hair was up in a pigtail. The place was beautiful.

Then someone poked me on the back. I turned around, Nathan.

I looked at him with surprise as he smiled at me. Was I dead? Was Nathan dead? He looked amazing though. His hair was the same, but his clothes where white. A plain white shirt, white pants, and white shoes, but his skin had more color to it. I liked it. I wrapped my arms and his neck, his were around my waist.

"Are we dead?"

"No Rainy"

"Where are we?"

"The place between life and death"

"Then why are you here?"

He stayed emotionless.

"Is this all, you know, really here, or is it is my head?" I continued.

"This is real"

I was so surprised.

"Rainy" he continued "You've been so brave. And I want you to know that I love you. I love you so much Rayne, nothing will ever change that. NOTHING. Remember that Rayne, I'm serious"

"What do you me-"

Then he kissed me. All of our kisses felt like the first. But this one was weird. I good weird.

A fantastic weird.

I savored the kiss.

He pulled away and smiled"

"Just never forget."

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