Dare to Enter Chapters 1-3

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Chapter One


IS IT CHEATING if you have sex with your girlfriend's split personalities?

She has three that I know of-that any of us know of-and I'm not about to screw Tommy the Zombie Hunter. But, I mean, when I wake up next to Slutty Pepper, and she's working on my morning hard-on, wouldn't it be rude to jump away and tell her she's not Daisy?

Because, in actuality, it is Daisy's body, Daisy's eyes, and Daisy's hand...only sometimes her mind temporarily strays a bit off track. Slutty Pepper never stays around long, and she's usually too tired to pop up-like my erection-this early in the morning. She prefers to prowl the evening like a wild teenager who also happens to be eight years younger than Daisy's age of twenty-five.

That means Slutty Pepper is three years younger than me. Is this illegal? If Daisy's legally twenty-five, but her split is not of age, does that make this morning's rendezvous in Daisy's bed illegal?

Oh damn, this is too confusing first thing in the morning when Slutty Pepper is pumping up and down on top of me.

"Yes, Ford, yes!" I cup her breasts-again, Daisy's breasts-and listen to her shout my name as we both succumb to the pleasure. She digs her nails into my flesh and squeezes my chest so tight I make a sound of pain.

"You like that, Ford?"

Oh fuck. Slutty Pepper's eyeing me like I'm a candy she's going to devour. I'd say it's a good thing, but I know with Slutty Pepper it's never good.

"I have to get ready for school." It's as good an excuse as any, and it's the truth. I should've stayed in my dorm room last night, but being the university is in the same town as my parents' house-now my mom's house-sometimes it's nice just to hang out at home with my siblings and their nanny, my girl, Daisy.

Slutty Pepper shoves my chest down, and I bounce off the bed. She leans down and presses one finger against her lips as she purses them out more than Daisy does. She's the complete opposite of my sweet Daisy, and I shouldn't be under her.

"I won't tell if you don't tell."

Double fuck. She's talking about telling Daisy. Her personalities talk inside her head, and lord only knows what trouble Slutty Pepper could stir up. Daisy didn't deserve the hassle of them cheating-again.

Damn Slutty Pepper is too persuasive.

I try to sit up, and this time she wraps her arms around my neck and bounces on my lap. "Let's have a shower."

"I'm going to be late."

"What's wrong with being a little late?" She almost swallows my ear and bites my earlobe hard as she pulls away. She whispers some goddamn sexy shit she wants to do to me in the shower, but I'm feeling guilty.


You'd think I'd learn the first time. Or second. I mean, how many times has my dick been in this personality? It's too early in the morning to count.

"Another time." I lie-or tell myself I'm lying when really, I suck at resisting Slutty Pepper. When she wants something, she's a go-getter and too damn hot. A hot side of the girl I like.

I lift her off my lap and set her on the bed.

"Oh, Ford." She opens her legs and slides her hands between her breasts, down her middle, heading to the warm and wet waiting area below. "Daisy doesn't have to be downstairs for an hour. Let's play."

I grab my clothes from the floor, half-ass pulling my pants up my legs and hurriedly struggling to push my hand through an arm before I change my mind and dive down below.

The Crazy Rich Davenports: Dare to Enter (the CRD Series)Where stories live. Discover now