DTE Chapters 13-14

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Chapter Thirteen


I HAVE FIVE minutes to spare before I have to meet the couple renting the house. My hand tops all the mannequin heads. "Which one do I want to wear today? An old woman has to look good for a meeting." One never knows what type business might come out of making new acquaintances.

Vincent Giovanni sounds like a good Italian name. Maybe he's part of the old mafia. He wasn't real clear on his application as to what he does for a living. He may be someone I could easily partner up with, or blackmail, whichever works in my favor.

"Blue is the flavor of the day." I take the long blue wig off its resting place and pull it over my gray mob of short hair. I love the way it feels brushing the top of my full round behind. This is Pop's favorite of all my wigs. He loves when I wear nothing but it in bed. His old hands can still yank so hard my wig goes flying across the room. For the love of God, the man still does it for me, too bad it's just not often enough for my liking.

Standing naked in the mirror with only my blue wig on, all traces of my youth are gone except for in my blue eyes. That sparkle is still there after all this time, but this old body used to be a hot. Now wrinkles and boobs that used to sit high, sag in places that frighten me.

"This I can fix." Reaching in my drawer I pull out my expensive lingerie. It's the one thing I don't mind spending a lot of money on. A woman has to lure a man in falsely. Once it all comes off, well by then he's so horny, it really doesn't matter. He'll take what he can get.

I strap on my blue lacy bra that matches my hair and I hike the girls up into place. "There, much better." I slip on my cotton panties and throw on a flowered summer dress with a bright yellow handbag that matches the flowers in the material. A little pair of summer heals, red lipstick, and I'm ready to meet the potential renters.

Bets is curled up on the couch in the playroom when I walk by. "Yaya, Frankie says you look pretty."

I look at my watch and sit down beside her. "Are you feeling any better?"

"My tummy still hurts. Yaya, when are we going to do the loot bags? Ford said something about the color purple not matching the party colors." I laugh at her comment knowing good and well Ford found my party favors. My fingers get tangled in her knotted hair as I brush it out of her face.

"How about I take you for ice cream later?"

"Can Frankie come too?"

"As long as Frankie thinks I'm pretty, the answer is yes." I kiss the top of her head and almost hurl. "You need a shower little one to wash the smell out of your hair. You and Frankie march yourselves into the bathroom and wash off the stink." I point my crooked finger at her.

She grabs her blanket and slowly walks toward the bathroom. "Come on, Frankie. Yaya says we stink."

Of all the rugrats around here, that one gets to me. I glance at my watch and head down the stairs and out the front door to grab one of the golf carts.

"Hey, where are you going all dressed up?" My dear hubbies voice bellows out from an open garage door.

"I'm meeting the potential renters for the cottage." I throw my yellow bag on the bench seat of the golf cart.

"Come here. I got something for you."

"I'm late. Can't it wait?"

"It will only take a minute." He waves his hand for me to come into the garage.

I've not slipped him any Viagra this morning, so it can't be sex he's wanting. I relent and head into the garage.

"I know your Lincoln has been acting up and you'd never spend the money for a new car, so I bought you this." He points.

The Crazy Rich Davenports: Dare to Enter (the CRD Series)Where stories live. Discover now