Chapters 9-10

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Chapter Nine

Daisy/Tommy/Slutty Pepper

SUCKER. I laugh to myself, skipping down the hallway.

Does Ford really think I'm going to listen to him or Daisy? They're both suckers.

I can feel Daisy stirring inside.

"Beg all you want, I'm in control." Me and Tommy. I have him on call because I'm going to check out this sketchy bar downtown where the music is too loud and the men are all too willing.

I stop in front of a mirror at the top of the stairs to check myself out.

Hot damn. I have it.

I slap my tight, high ass and laugh as I hop down the stairs and head for the kitchen. I need a snack before I head out. Something sugary that Daisy will have to work off later and I know just where Erik hides the best candy in the house.

I stretch on my tiptoes to the top shelf of the pantry and reach behind the baking supplies. Rustling around, relying on my hands and not my eyes, I feel around until plastic candy wrapper crinkles at my fingertips

Jackpot. I pull a couple of candy bars down and check out my stash.

I'm surely going to be in deep shit with Daisy after tonight. First, I tried to seduce Ford—I don't know how she can blame me when he's so delicious. Then I totally got off with him in the room and watching me. He can deny it all he wants, he thought it was hot. I thought it was hot and maybe if Daisy would step out of her snail shell she'd discover how hot she can be. And now, candy. I rip open the end of the chocolate bar and take a bite.

"Don't try to control me," I say, crunching my mouthful. I'm tired of her not letting me out to play. That was the deal the three of us made. And of all sudden she's fallen in love and since she can't control me, she's trying to get Ford to do her dirty work. I will not tolerate it.

I toss the wrapper in the garbage and start opening the second. I think I like chocolate more than alcohol. Alcohol is never good with our personalities. We lose control and losing control is never good. Especially when it lets out personalities we've locked away.

I hope Tommy and Daisy never think of locking me away. I'm not that bad. And besides, Tommy kills squirrels and Daisy doesn't have the nerve or guts to face anything. They need me.

Leaning my arms on the kitchen counter, I drop the candy I have left and the empty wrappers on the granite top. Twiddle-uproar is going to be fuming tomorrow, but he likely stole the candy anyway or stole the money to stock up on the candy. I like that kid. He's a sneaky troublemaker.

I look past the breakfast nook through the glass wall and see Gemma sitting on the couch in the sun room. She's a square, a virgin, too sweet and has more in common with Daisy than me. Personally, I don't like her. She's judgmental and a goody two-shoes. I would love to spoil this party she's been planning last minute, but I can't get enough details from everyone to even know what's going on. I've been forbidden to attend. I'm the life of any party, and the stuffy Davenport grandparents need a little fun, a little dancing, maybe even a threesome. Anything to pull the sticks out of their asses.

I spot Rye sitting on the couch beside her and my libido kicks up again. I've never slept with Rye—I know, it's hard to believe—but it's not from lack of wanting. He's usually hidden away in Lucy's bedroom where the two of them think they're being sneaky and no one knows she's banging the gardener.

Newsflash: We all know!

They're on the same couch. Close. The lights are dim and it's quiet.

I feel Tommy stirring inside.

The Crazy Rich Davenports: Dare to Enter (the CRD Series)Where stories live. Discover now