Chapters 11-12

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Chapter Eleven


"HEY Pops."

"Ford." He nods because his mouth is full of fresh cookies that Gemma baked.

"Grandpa," Gemma swats his hand, "those are for Imogene's party."

"I may not agree with your Yaya a lot, but I don't think we should be throwing Imogene a party. She's not even nice to you guys." He kisses Gemma's nose. "You are way too sweet for your own good, princess.Speaking of Yaya, where is she?" I nab a cookie when Gemma has her back to me.

I stuff an entire cookie in my mouth and then gag on the taste, spitting it out in the sink. "What the hell is this? It's awful." I splash water in my mouth to get rid of the taste before I vomit.

"Imogene is vegan so I made them out of soy. Yaya is interviewing some couple to rent my house to."

"Why do you let her do stuff like that to you?" I hop up on the counter.

"She convinced me I need to live in the house with all of you to help out more and you know how she is. She always thinks we need the money."

"Pops, she knows we're rich, right?"

"Yes, but it's her way of showing you that she loves you."

"Oh, you mean her pet names for us...twiddle whore and twiddle uproar, should help us believe that." I laugh and hop back down as Daisy sways her hips down the stairs.

"It's just her way. She would do anything for any of you."

"Wasn't it just last week she ran an ad in the paper to rent us all out?"

"She was trying to teach you all to be responsible by getting you all jobs."

"She said we had to pay her eighty percent of the money so she could buy more Viagra." I snort.

Pops laughs. "That's my little entrepreneur." I think I see a little pride in his face. "I'm sure there was a lesson in there for you somewhere."

Daisy is quiet and it makes me wonder if it's really Daisy or Slutty Pepper. "Did Bets head quit spinning in circles after yesterdays puke fest?"

"Yeah, she finally fell asleep after midnight. Remind me never to feed her popcorn and sour gummy worms together again. I've never seen psychedelic puke before." She makes a retching noise.

Oh, good. It's Daisy. I absentmindedly rub at my wrists where the cuffs cut into them from Pepper locking me to the bed. Thank God, Daisy finally came home and released me.

"Is anyone going to help me make this fruit cake?" Gemma wheels around.

"I promised the twins I'd help them decorate the pavilion for the party," Pops makes his exit.

"It's my night off and I'm going to visit my sister." Daisy is twirling a lock of her hair. I know that is something she does when she's nervous.

"You're going to the prison on a Saturday night? Why don't you and I go have a night out?" I kiss her pretty lips.

"Ford! So, help me God, if you are not at this party tonight, I will cut your balls off and Daisy will have no need for you anymore." Gemma is pointing a sharp knife at me. I wave her off.

"I can't. Her hearing is coming up soon and I need to meet with her and her attorney."

"What's she in jail for?"

The Crazy Rich Davenports: Dare to Enter (the CRD Series)Where stories live. Discover now