DTE Chapter 15-16

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Chapter Fifteen


I PARK THE golf cart behind some trees and wait for Tommy. I know here's lurking around somewhere in the woods. It's about that time when he checks his zombie traps and I know he'd never miss something array on the property, such as the sexy fucking Italian and his Double D girlfriend.

My insides purr. That's a whole lot of deliciousness I've rented out to and with the thought I hear moans and laughter. Is it in my head or did it come from the cottage? Either way, I must go investigate.

I scurry off to the side of the house where I know I can peek inside.

I hear moans and laughter. The window sit up high and I can't see inside. Flipping off my heels, I climb the old outstretched tree to get a better look. There are no blinds on the window so I can get a clear look into the dining room.

He's fucking her on my table. Damn, that table has gotten a lot of use out of it, certainly not for dining at it. Max and I have done some pretty naughty things on that table.

I can't help but watch and remember my husband banging me repeatedly on that mahogany when we were younger.

"Damn, look at the size of his cock!" The branch creaks as I lean a little closer to the glass to get a better look.

Crack! Bam! My old body hits the ground with a thud. "Ah...that hurt," rolling over slowly to my side. "I'm blind!" Reaching up to wipe my eyes, my blue wig is turned sideways covering half my face. "It's just my wig." Dirt crunches in my dentures.

My bones pop as I roll over and spit out air at the hair in my mouth. "I'm too fucking old to be a peeping tom." Tommy, I know he's here somewhere. Slowly getting off the ground, I brush the leaves and dirt off my knobby knees, and then slip my shoes back on.

I take one glance back up at the window as I hear laughter coming from inside. "Oh, forget it," I wave off all thoughts of climbing back up the tree just when I see Tommy marching to the front door carrying a machete! Who does he think he is? Jason from Friday the Thirteenth? I knew we should keep him away from horror movies.

"I knew you would be lurking around somewhere!" I catch Tommy by the ear before he goes barreling into the guest house.

"I don't know who you rented this house to, but they're up to no good!" He wrangles free of my grip when we are out of sight behind the pickup truck. "What the hell happened to you," he points at my face when he gets a good look at me.


He reaches up and brushes a leaf out of my hair. "You were spying on them too!"

I was, but not for the same reason he is. "No I wasn't."

"Liar. Did you see what they are up to?" He squats low to the ground and looks around the truck to the front of the house.

"Oh, good grief, Tommy. They were banging like rabbits on the table. What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?" He turns to look at me. "They made a sex tape and then they hung some contraption from the ceiling. They are going to kidnap one of the Davenports!"

A sex tape, hmmmm. I'd like to get my hands on that. "What are you going on about kidnapping."

"The slimy haired bastard got his tools out and hung something from the ceiling." He pulls his binoculars back out.

"Let me see that." I hold my hand out for the binoculars. He hands them to me and my knees crack as I squat down beside him. "I can't see a thing from here."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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