Chapter 2

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I've been reading through When It Gets Complicated again recently and I dunno. I forgot how much I love it (seriously if you've never heard of this gem please give it a read).


Junmyeon's POV


Whispers fill the halls between classes this day. And not the usual "he said, she said" that always seemed to plague any high school you went to. No. Mondays were always reflection days. The whole school, in some way, shape, or form was just as entranced with the performances as those who attended weekly. Mondays were sacred days. When the fans who'd been there filled in those who'd failed to show. Where students listened attentively to the advocates of Saturdays mystical performances.

"Aww man, I missed that?" Baekhyun asked with a little pout. "That's so cool. Sorry Chanyeol, I love you, but you may have to take a back seat in a few weeks. I have to see those performances Kai talked so highly of." He fixed me with an awed gaze next. "And Lay came up and talked to you?" he asked, eyes dancing with excited light.

"Yep," I boasted proudly, stabbing my food with my chopsticks. "He seemed to seek me out in the midst of the performances. Though I have no idea what he wanted." Not to mention I could still feel my skin crawl at just the thought of his stare on me. But oh how wonderful it felt. "I'm gonna miss this," I suddenly said, and the mood instantly dropped. "We all graduate this spring. What's going to happen?"

"J-hope's going to University here in Seoul," Kyungsoo reminded me. "Jimin's moving back to Busan. Taemin and Kai both got accepted into SM Entertainment following graduation. And Luhan and Lay..." He paused when my gaze snapped to him. "You had to to have known, right?" he asked me.

"Known what?" I asked, my jaw clenched painfully. I'd heard the first bare whispers of rumors, but I didn't follow along with the gossip.

"Apparently it's been confirmed that Lay is going home, to China, with Luhan," Kyungsoo said. And my stomach promptly fell through the floor. Lay was going home? He made it no secret he was Chinese. But still. To return home after this? I guess I didn't really blame him. I would be homesick if I were in another country. This time I stabbed my food like it would make me feel better if I took my aggravation out on something else.

"Then I wish them both the best," I said with as much fake happiness I could muster. Even if it killed me a little, I had to remember this was his choice. "I wonder what he'll do back home."

"Probably go to college, get a job," Kyungsoo mused quietly. "Get a girlfriend." At that my stomach lurched, but I covered for it by stuffing some rice in my mouth. The idea of him having a girlfriend in China, heck, at all, was an unappealing one.

Stop it, I chastised myself. That's unrealistic. And unfair. You're only a fanboy. You're not in love with the guy. I took a swig of my milk. Kyungsoo side-eyed me. He was always better at reading me than anyone else, and he could probably sense my growing unease. I shook my head. Another day perhaps. Today was supposed to be our reflection day, singing praises of the things we only saw one day a week.

"Who were those two boys that did the acrobatics?" Baekhyun asked, ending our silent conversation. I flicked my gaze to him. "You mentioned they went to Yugyeom's school."

"Yeah," Kyungsoo butted in when my tongue refused to cooperate. "Mark and Jackson. Apparently they're in year eleven, and are the stars of the school's male gymnastics team. It would be easy to see why too. Damn they could move."

"Better than Kai?" Baekhyun teased, wiggling his eyebrows. I doubled over to keep from laughing as Kyungsoo shot our friend a look that should've sent him six feet under. If it had anything to do with Kai, Kyungsoo took it very seriously, so he probably felt insulted. But I wouldn't judge. If anyone dared disrespect Lay in my presence... Well, they wouldn't be telling their little tale, that was for sure.

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