Chapter 20

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Hey look twenty (plus a prologue) chapters. Halfway to Royal Temptations lol. I actually don't predict this one to be as long.

So I have no idea how much writing I'll actually get done while I'm at the concert (I'm going to see BTS in two days woo!) so I'll post something so you don't have to wait too long. K? K


Junmyeon's POV


I gripped the small wrapped box tightly in both hands, feeling the little butterflies flying laps around my ribs. I sucked in a breath, peeking inside the small shop that I'd come to adore. Yixing sat at a table already, a box in front of him and a small foam cup in one hand. He skimmed the pages of whatever novel he happened to be going through at this time. I pulled more oxygen into my lungs, leaning against the wall by the window for a second as I worked up the courage to go in there.

It was the first week of break. Finally. Tests had been brutal this time around. But now we got three weeks off as the prepared for the new semester. And I was going to enjoy every bit of it. Sleeping in and staying up late. Hanging with my friends, watching movies and playing games instead of studying. And of course spending some much needed quality time with Mom.

Right now though was the hard part. Gift exchanging with Yixing. I finished paying it off a couple days ago, and then paid to have the pictures developed so I could put them inside. I dragged in a final deep breath before pushing myself from the wall, swinging the shop door open. The bell overhead dinged pleasantly, brining Yixing from his trance. He twisted in his seat and waved slightly. I waved back, heading up to the counter to order something before joining him at the table.

"Hey," he greeted once I finally say down, a small cup of tea in my hand. He seemed calm and collected from outside, but up close I could see he was just as nerve wracked as I was. He marked his page in the book, closing it and putting it away. He drummed his fingers against the wood, bringing his cup to his lips and taking a drink. "So..." he began. "How do we want to do this?"

"Same time?" I suggested. He nodded. He pushed his box across the table and I handed him mine. He turned it over in his hands. I bit my lip. I really hoped he liked it. I was also keenly aware of how my box was half the size of his. "Actually you go first," I said, anxious to see what he thought. He shrugged, peeling back the red and green paper to reveal the white box. His brows knot together in confusion, replaced quickly by wonder when he finally wrestled it open. He pulled out the locket by its chain.

"A locket," he said, eyeing me. A funny feeling began to manifest in my stomach. Now or never.

"Open it," I encouraged. He did so, staring at what was inside for far too long to be healthy. My spirits sank right through the floor. He must have hated it. "You don't like it?" I asked quietly, praying my efforts hadn't been a total waste.

"Silly, I love it," he said at last, slipping it on. He laughed. "So that's why you were taking all those photos of me." I flared red. "Thank you Junnie. This means a lot. Now I can take us wherever I go." More blushing, but I was really glad he liked it. And didn't find it cheesy. "Your turn," he said, turning serious again. I grabbed the box wrapped in silver, wondering exactly what was going on. I peeled the paper away carefully. I peeled inside the box. I pulled the object out, carefully studying it.

"A bear?" I asked him. A nice one though. Plain white fluff but dressed in jeans and a purple top, a little beanie pulled over its ears. He nodded.

"Press the paw," he indicated, tapping his fingers against the space. "Right here." I shot him a look but did as he asked.

"Hey Junnie. I know I'll be leaving in a few months, but now you'll always have a little bit of me. Thank you for making these last few months my most memorable ones."

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