Chapter 26

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So I had a moment this morning I really wish I could have put myself to bed after but I just couldn't. Human emotions suck guys. I wish I didn't feel things so strongly sometimes.


Yixing's POV


There was only a few more days left of break, which felt a but unreal. The last few weeks had really plowed by. A lot of it was spent between my house and Junmyeon's, enjoying his presence and watching a lot of Star Trek (seriously he wasn't kidding when he said he loved that show). It was nice to see him so happy after our half disaster that was Christmas.

Now, however, I was at my second favorite place in Korea. My beloved tunnel, with a few of my boys. Mainly Hoseok, Jongin, and Taemin, who'd seemed to get over his bitterness. Though I'd taken to watching him interact with Jongin, and yeah, it was pretty obvious Taemin was crushing hard. Either Jongin was blind enough to not notice or was flat out ignoring all these signs. Neither of which was a good possibility.

"So my group decided on Mirotic on their own since we're all above the age," Hoseok said. "Any word from you guys?"

"Luhan and I talked briefly, but otherwise we haven't really spoken to anyone," I said. "Jongin?" His head shot up and he blinked at us. Taemin huffed, crossing his arms. Noted. He must've been talking with Sungwoon this whole time. "Did you guys think of anything?" I asked Jongin.

"We haven't given it much thought," he admitted, wincing at his confession. "I've been...busy." Taemin rolled his eyes, focusing hard at something non-existent on the wall. My heart went out to him, it really did. It had to be tough to crush on your best friend and watch him gush over someone else entirely. I couldn't even begin to fathom that feeling. "Sungwoon asked me out," he suddenly blurted. Hoseok's gaze snapped up and Taemin jerked his attention back. Jongin squirmed. "I said no," he added. "I...I don't trust him yet."

"Good," Taemin mumbled, but once again it was like Jongin didn't hear. Hoseok and I exchanged a glance. I wasn't sure how much of the backstory he knew, but he was clearly picking up on something. He was smart enough for it. Taemin's expression fell when Jongin said nothing.

"Heard from Kyungsoo?" Hoseok asked, trying to redirect the focus but in the worst possible way. "You know how much he loves Kai, even if he doesn't show it much." Jongin's lower lip slipped between his teeth, gently nibbling as he thought it over. "I kind of thought he would've figured it all out by now," Hoseok continued, kind of as an afterthought. "He's clever that boy. I'm surprised he hasn't seen right through us."

"He's clever but very calculating," Jongin piped up, fiddling with his fingers resting on his lap. "It's very possible he knows but won't gain anything from the information. I mean... Come on. It's me and Yixing we're talking about. We don't exactly stand out in a crowd." He paused for a breath, and we all waited to see what else he had to say on the matter. "Also I haven't exactly worked up the courage to go talk to him, you know? What if he doesn't like me anyway?"

"Walk up to him as Kai," Taemin interrupted, catching me incredibly off guard. He was the last one I expected to be giving Jongin loose dating advice. Then again these two were friends. It would be a bit unusual if Taemin didn't throw his opinions in at all. "Strike up a conversation with him in a form you have confidence in," Taemin continued, really warming to his theme now. "Since I know for a fact Kai exudes more confidence than Jongin, even if that's ridiculous."

"No one knows who I am," Jongin argued. "That's why I can get away with it. Nobody knows who Jongin is. Well, not really. But everyone loves Kai already." In a twisted way I got were he was coming from. It was much the same myself. I hated, absolutely hated the limelight on Yixing, but it felt so natural as Lay. It was weird. I couldn't explain it properly.

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