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Chapter 16


I stared at the criss cross marks my nails had made on his back.

He was snoring.

How could anyone sleep off right after sex?

Men were super annoying!

This was the time I became restless, ideas flowing easily though me.

An idea was already forming in my mind.

I tapped him lightly on his hand but he didn't budge. I frowned and tapped him harder. He groaned and made to roll over, but I wasn't having any of it.

"Alright, get up, save the sleep for the night time. Now, we discuss business."

His lids opened lazily to reveal green eyes. He blinked back the sleep and slowly got up. Stifling a yawn with his fingers, he gave me a wry smile.

"Not my fault you become so antsy after the deed."

"The deed?" I asked incredulously. "Is that what you call sex -- the deed?" I shook my head. "There are a myriad of names you could have used, like slapping skins, boning, making love . . . anything, but. . . the deed." I finished scornfully.

He shook his head, clearly amused at me and reached across to get the pack of cigarettes and lighter lying on the bedside table. He took a drag after successfully lighting a stick. Inhaling deeply, he blew out a whiff of smoke and turned towards me. "Okay, so . . . what do you wanna know?" He exhaled smoke, blowing it in my face.

I coughed and cleared wisps of smoke away with a wave of my hand. He was irritating me. But I let go of the irritation and put my mind on the plan. "Have you done it?" I allowed some sting of impatience to seep through.

"Yes! I upped the amount for all the troubles I've gone through."

"What troubles? Are you trying to tell me sleeping with her wasn't something you enjoyed doing?" I frowned at him.

"Of course I did, but she isn't half as freaky as you." He leaned towards me, a smirk on his face.

I pushed him away and snatched the cigarette from his hands. Taking a drag from it, I blew out smoke. "She doesn't know yet. . . that I own the company she works in. I told the MD to hire her. Matter of fact, I gave him her cv and told him to call her." I paused, a faraway look in my eyes. "I can't stand her." I shook my head in distaste. "I hate her so much. She stole the man I love."

He let out a booming laugh. "I would have been pained if I believed your words. You love no one but yourself. You're a bloody millionaire, you can get any man at the snap of your fingers, go get your own man and leave her husband alone."

I looked at him quizzically, my head cocked to one side. Putting off the cigarette on the ashtray beside me, I turned to him fully, upset in my eyes.

"If I didn't really know you, I'd say you feel sorry for that bitch." I let the white bedsheet fall from my arms and his eyes darkened as he took in my bare upper body.

I knew the effect my body had on him. I got up from the bed naked and walked into the bathroom.

Ha! Let him ruminate on that.

I came back in and slid beneath the covers, making sure every part of my body was fully covered except my arms.

He was already reaching for me, but I put up a finger to stay his movements, my long nails shining blood red in the dim light. "Don't you dare! We haven't finished talking yet." I settled down on my back, eyes on the ceiling, hands behind my head.

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