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Chapter 31

When it comes right down to it - action speaks wayy louder than words!!


When Geoffrey left, I stood there dully, staring at the door.

Could what he said have been the truth?

I missed Eyare so much, it physically hurt.

I had decided to resign from my job because I needed time to sort out my family issues, but most importantly -- myself. I had taken too much leave time already, so that wasn't even an option.

I still hadn't yet figured out what lay in store for both of us, if we were ever going to get past this hurdle. What Geoffrey said made me have a re - think. He and Eyare practically grew up like brothers and he knew Eyare's capabilities.

Yes, but people changed, plus Eyare had been drinking a lot of alcohol of recent and I knew for sure that alcohol pushed men to do a lot of bad things.

I was still lost in thought when I heard a knock on the door.

I didn't feel like seeing anyone right now.

I invited Geoffrey in because I wanted to know Eyare's whereabouts. It had been three weeks since I saw him, although he called me every day, but I never picked. What he did hurt me to my bone marrow.

The knock was more insistent, so I got up to see who was invading my thinking time.

The moment I opened the door, I immediately regretted it.

I was taken aback at the audacity of the woman standing before me.

Absolutely unbelievable!

At a loss for words, I stared stupidly at her. That's when she smiled. She actually smiled at me.

She said a hello and brushed past me into my home. The home of the man she had an affair with, the man she's currently pregnant for --- my husband. That snapped me out of my stupor and anger fueled my veins.

I rounded up on her but she was expecting it.

"I'm so very sorry, girlfriend. I never knew my little joke would result in something so serious." Her hands were up in a form of surrender and tears formed in her eyes.

Is she serious?

My mouth dropped open and I mentally struggled to understand if she was cracking a joke.

She came close to me and touched me on my hand and I flinched. "How dare you?" I roared.

I was extremely glad my parents had taken Eseosa out for the day, leaving me some time to ruminate. I wouldn't have wanted them to witness this.

She backed away from me, fear making her eyeballs bigger than normal. She had never seen me angry at her, not once in all the many years of our friendship.

"Please, you're scaring me, Osa."
She said this in a timid voice. "I said I was sorry." Tears had begun to pool in her eyes and were threatening to fall and she was sniffling.

Absolutely unbelievable!

"I'm scaring you?" I echoed surprised at her statement.
"You almost gave me a heart attack. I had a concussion and was unconscious from your sorry ass prank. What kind of stupid joke was that? Well, you'll be sorry by the time I'm finished with you." I spat out, furiously.

I was about to tell her to get out of my house and never show her face again, but she threw her head back and laughed throatily.

She laughed so hard, tears trickled from the corner of her eyes. When she was done, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and looked at me, a mocking smile on her lips. "Oh give me a break, what can you do to me? Do you even know who you want to toy with, you harmless fly?" Her total demeanour changed. She looked at me the way a predator looked at it's prey.

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