Chapter 12

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"One of the hardest things you will have to do my dear is grieve the loss pf a person who is still alive"


Tonight I really thought I'd lost her, at eleven twenty-two a buzz of panicked voices and whispers woke me from my peaceful slumber. I woke to see a crowd of people in hospital blue swarming around Lola's still body. 

Then I heard it, the sound of the heart monitor, bleeping its way into oblivion like a sprinter before the finish line. A tumour-like lump formed in my throat, choking me and making my breath ragged and my heart cold. Beep beep beep beep beep beep went my heart in time with Lola's. The doctors and nurses willed themselves not to panic, I looked at Lola's face and at her cold fingers like icicles. I willed her to stay, prayed to God to let her stay. 

I found myself thinking a mantra- "Stay Lola stay, " I thought over and over again, matching the words with my ragged breathing and the beeping of the heart monitor. Stay Lola stay. 

Then the beeping stopped. Silence spread through the room like a flock of fleeting birds.

No... Lola-Stay-Lola-Stay. My mantra a hopeless case inside my head. 

Then came the tears. Solitary specks of salt-water sliding down my face, sticking to my lips and making me cry out in sorrow...

Beep... Beep...Beep  


WOWZA that was a shock. haha another Chapter is following shortly... 

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