Chapter 10

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Lola has been in a coma for three and a half days, It feels like losing my parents all over again except it's worse because this time she's right there in front of me, still alive but only if she chooses to be. The doctors say that her condition is unstable as she suffered multiple brain injuries and one of her ribs is broken. They say it's a miracle she only broke one, they say she's a fighter and they're right. 

I'm in the Emergency section of a hospital just down the road from the orphanage, Lola is on a hospital bed, she has two tubes putting the blood that she lost back into her body. Her hands are ice cold and her face has lost it's joy. Her eyes are closed, it makes me wonder if I could open them and make her see; make her wake up. 

I haven't slept for three days, I am merely a silent statue sitting on the edge of a hospital bed. All I see is her face, no twitching, no smiling eyes and her fingers are cold, so cold like little icicles, her nails are long but with jagged edges- she bites them. The only sound is the constant drip of blood and the whirring of the cardiograph measuring her heart beat, the only smell is of polished metal and rubber gloves. Eventually I fall asleep to the drip... drip...drip-


Sorry, sorry that I haven't updated in a while and also that this is a short chapter, one will follow soon. This chapter was just a filler and I thought I needed to update quickly. I hope you liked it tell me in the comments pleeeeaaassee!!

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