#4: Baehyung 💖 (Pt. 1)

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I was woken up by the sound of my friend, Vonny shouting my name and snapping in my face. I wasn't sleeping, but daydreaming.

I was at the cafe with two of my closest friends, Autumn and Vonny. I wanted to stay home but I can't resist their begging, mainly cause its annoying.

"Look over there? Isn't that your crush?" Vonny asked, discretely pointing out the guy of my dreams.

Taehyung. Or as I call him in my diary, Baehyung.

"There goes Baehyung." Autumn nudged me with a smirk.

"Stop it, thats a dumb name. And what if he finds that insulting?" I lightly shoved her.

"So?" Vonny laughed.

I watched as he took a seat alone in a booth and waited patiently while looking out the window beside him. The dreamy gaze in his eyes as he watched the clouds drift across the sky was adorable. His eyes were a delecate and beautiful brown.

I loved when he wore those headbands. Its so cute.

"Earth to (Y/N). If you keep staring at him like that, he's gonna notice. Keep the stalking to a minimum." Vonny said, making Autumn laugh.

"Its not stalking. Just admiring from a distance." I smiled.

"Why not try talking to him?"

"Uh, cause I could die. Duh." I joked and rolled my eyes."But dont you wanna have his babies?"

I threw my tea spoon at her and she ducked, causing it to fly over to the booth behind her, which was where Baehy- I mean Taehyung was sitting.

He looked down and spotted the spoon before picking it up and looking around.

"Excuse me, thats hers." Autumn said loudly to get his attention. I was too nervous to slap her so I froze. A small smile appeared on his lips before he rose to his feet and approached me.

"Here you go." He said, his deep, soothing voice said to me as he handed me my tea spoon.

"T-Thank you. I guess I should ask for a new one though." I laughed nervously."I'll do it." He said and took the spoon from me and walked to the front counter.

Autumn and Vonny were grinning like idiots and making kissy faces like immature five year olds. They stopped as soon as Taehyung returned with a clean spoon.

"Thank You. You didnt have to do that." I smiled at him.

"I know. But I wanted to. Its the thought that counts, right?" He said and winked at me."See you around."

He walked back to his booth and put headphones on before returning to his cloud gazing.

"Aaaahhhh!!!!!" My friends whispered. Now they'd never stop teasing me.

We soon left the cafe and they walked home with me."Hey, can we stay the night?" Autumn asked.

"Of course. You can borrow some of my clothes if you need to." I shrugged my shoulders. All three of us went to my room and shut the door.

I just like the door shut.

We turned on the tv and talked and looked through our phones, showing each other funny stuff we found.

"No, stupid, tomorrow!" Vonny whispered, sitting on my back with her back against the wall.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Nonya." She rolled her eyes playfully at me. I ignored it and went back to my phone.

I got a message from Autumn even though she was right next to me.

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