Propo-Bear(1): Taehyung

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Your pop group had been on tour for the last six months, exploring all that America had to offer.

It was an exclusive American tour because your international fans said that they felt they weren't getting enough love. So your group decided each country gets their own tour. No matter how long it takes.

Taehyung called you everyday, or at least, made a video to send to you so you could see him and hear his voice everyday. You had fifty cities to stop at in America, meaning you'd be a while. He missed you terribly. Sometimes, he would even seem depressed.

His band mates had never seen him like this, and it worries them. But they know that as soon as you return to Korea, he'll be his old self again.

Youre the same way when BTS goes on tour so there isn't much to worry about. You just miss each other.

Today, Taehyung sat on the couch and flipped through Tv channels. He was bored out of his mind. So bored that he was upsidedown on the couch with his feet hanging off the back.

The blood was rushing to his head, but he didn't care. He didn't care about anything at this point. Just wrapping his arms around you again. He stopped on a random channel and closed his eyes, deciding to listen to the tv and fall asleep.

"Are you in a very tight relationship with someone? Are they far away from you right now?" Asked a voice from the tv.

Tae's eyes shot open and he rushed to turn his body around to see the tv clearly.

"Well, are you?" The man asked again as if talking directly to him."Y-yes." Tae answered.

"Well, do I have the product for you! Behold, the Propo-Bear!"

"Propo-Bear?" Tae questioned.

"Yes, the Propo-Bear!" The man on tv answered."This beautiful, gigantic teddy bear is perfect for him, or her. And with every purchase of the Propo-Bear, you get a discounted ring!"

"A...ring.." He gasped.

"Yes, a ring. In case you're planning on...sealing the deal."

Taehyung smiled. This was perfect. He remembered having such a similar talk with you, mentioning marriage. Of course you two were joking at the time, but this was the perfect time to purchase a ring. It wouldn't be so hard to hide it from you, and he would have time to mentally prepare himself.

"Combined, the order of both the bear and the ring are just $699.99 (793,858.66 Korean Won). Call and order now!"

This was absolutely perfect. Taehyung had been thinking of something to get for your return to Korea and here it is, basically handed to him. He grabbed his phone and dialed the number flashing on the screen as quickly as possible.

In Florida, you sat on your hotel bed with white lenin sheets and soft blankets as you watched Kubz Scouts on your laptop. Your band mates had all gone to the pool but you had sprained your ankle during your last show. You made it clear that you can't dance in heals but they ignored you. Not your friends, but the staff and your manager. You hate being compared to them because they're more "feminine" or whatever. You just don't like wearing heals.

How is that hard to understand?

Now with your multicolored and swollen ankle, you were bedridden. You received tweets from (group fandom name) and ARMY, saying to get well soon and that you should quit the group because the staff and manager treat you so badly.

Despite being the leader of your group, that's how they treat you. But you can't leave your girls because you know they need you.

You had recently rewatched the video of your boyfriend dancing in heals like it was nothing. It made you laugh, but also feel bad that you didn't fit in with your own group.

You had recently considered leaving. But you have yet to make a final decision. So until you make up your mind, you won't tell anyone.

You were embarrassed that your fans saw you trip and fall on stage. You hid your face from the cameras as the other girls carried you away. You couldn't stop replaying the events in your mind. It was all over the news in Florida and Korea, which means your boyfriend has certainly seen it by now. You wanted to go solo, but you didn't want to leave your friends.

Oh, what to do.

You heard a knock on the door and looked up when the bedroom door opened slightly."Hey, (Y/N)," Your friend and band mate, Jisung smiled at you as she walked in slowly."How are you feeling?" She asks.

"I'm fine. You're supposed to be enjoying the pool with the others."

"I know, but I can't stop worrying about you." She whined."It's just a minor sprain, Jisung. I should be up around around by tomorrow." I patted her head as she kneeled brown beside the bed and held my hands.

"I know I should be worried, but no can't help it. You're like a big sister to me." She gives me her adorable smile.

Jisung is the maknae of our group. I'm the leader but the second oldest. Another reason I can't leave this group, me being the leader, and Jisung. My little sister figure.

I looked out the window to see Jang-Mi and Yuna still in the pool. They probably didn't even notice Jisung leave.

"Please go enjoy yourself. I promise I'll be fine."

"Can you at least come down and enjoy the fresh air?" She begged. I sighed and gave in. She helped me find my sandals and assisted me to the elevator. When we reached the pool area, the girls gasped.

"Look who I brought!" Jisung sang as if she had achieved something great. I saw and relaxed on one of the lounge chairs under an umbrella and watched them splash each other with pool water. They would occasionally splash me with water, even though I couldn't fight back.

Later, as the sun began to set, they helped me back to our room and I showered before heading to bed.

I picked up my phone and saw seven missed calls and three messages.

They were from Taehyung.

Hey, cutie! Please call me.

Sorry to bother you, are you sure you can't spare a moment? I need to hear your sweet voice 😘

Okay, since you're busy, I'll just leave this here. I miss you so, so, so, SO much! I love you more than anything in the world and I just wanted to remind you that you're strong. I know about your ankle and I hope you're okay. You're a warrior, (Y/N/N). I 💜 you. Fighting!

Taehyung really is the best. He's do sweet. I tried to call him back but he was most likely asleep. It's nearly two in the morning in Korea, so I went to bed and hoped that I would see him tomorrow.

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