Chapter 25

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  After another hour a doctor comes out.

"Alexander Hamilton?"   



"Yes!?" We all rush to the doctor. 

"Is he okay? Is he alive?" 
"We completed the surgery and..." 

"Please forgive me for what I'm about to say...he didnt make it." 

"NO!" I lunge out to the doctor but Washington pulls me back and holds my arms. 

"No! NO! He's not gone! He's still alive! Save him! Don't take him from me!" I continue screaming and yelling at no one, while the doctor stands there head down taking the punches. 

Everyone is crying, sobbing. Eliza crying in the arms of her sobbing sisters. Laf finding comfort in Herc. Martha and John hugging each other tightly, crying. 

While Washington holds me crying himself. 

"Thomas, stop!" 
"No! They took him from me! They took my Alex! I want him back!" 
"Thomas! We know! But you're making this harder!" 
"They took the one person I loved away from me!"  

At my own words, I fall. I give up. 

I loved him and they took him from me before he even knew. 

Head in my hands, I cry. While Washington hugs me tightly. 
"I know. I know Thomas. I love him too." 

This cant be real 

This cant be real 

This cant 




I look up. A doctor stands there. 

"Thomas, come on so we can find out about Alex!" Laf says. I jump up wiping tears on the way. 
I thought he didnt make it? I think as I walk up to the doctor. Was it all in my head?

"Is he okay?" 
"Is he alive?" 
"Will he make it?" 

An echo of questions is said before the doctor quiets us all. 

"We completed the surgery and managed to fix the infection issue." 
"So the surgery worked. Is. Alex. Alive?" Washington asks firmly. 

The doctor seems intimidated. 

"H-he made it. He's okay." 

I feel myself take a heavy breath of relief. 

Everyone is crying, wide smiles plastered on all of our faces. 

"Can we see him?"  Martha asks. 
"Yes, but only a few at a time." 

We smile and nod. 

We turn to each other to decide who all is going in first. 

"Martha and George. Yall are his parents." Eliza suggests. 
"We'll be fine dear. But I think that John and Thomas should go in." 

I look at everyone to see their reactions to Martha's suggestion. 

They nod.

"You two seem to have the hardest times." 

I smile gratefully. Rushing to his room, John following closely behind.

I wait at the door. 

"Y-you can go in first," I tell John. He hesitantly nods. He takes a deep breath before opening the door and walking in. 

I walk in behind him slowly closing the door. 

John is already sitting down in a chair. I walk slowly into the room. Alex's face slowly coming into my view. 

He's still asleep. His face still as beautiful as ever. 

I hurry to sit down in a chair and pull it closer to his bed. I rest my hand and his arm. 

John sits on the other side smiling, tears slowing rolling down his face. 
We just sit in silence. Occasionally nurses come in and out. We stayed in the hospital room for about 5 minutes. 

"Alright. I-I think we should let the other come in." I nod in agreement as we both get up and head to the door. 

John walks out. 
"Hey, I'll be out in a second." He nods and walks away. 

I walk back to Alex's bedside. 

I look down at him, his chest steadily rising and falling. 

I lean down and kiss his forehead. I slowly walk back to the door. Stepping into the busy hallway and heading back to our talkative group of friends. 

"Alright, who's next?" 
"Um, The Schuyler's can go next," Herc says. Before anyone can agree Peggy is already running down the hallway to Alexander's room. That gives us a needed laugh. 

*Time skippidy dippidy! Brought to you by writer's block* After everyone sees Alex, we all go home, except Martha and George. 

I walk quietly back to our dorms. The cold breeze blowing against my face. 

I get back to campus and decide to get some coffee. I haven't had any in a while. I walk into the familiar cafe and order my usual. 

As I wait for my order I look out at the now fading sun. I don't know how to explain the calm that washed over me, knowing Alex was alright and was going to be fine. That, that is a feeling I don't know If I'll ever be able to describe. 

(Hint- Keep what he said in mind. It'll come in handy for future chapters) 

"Order for Thomas." I get my coffee, paid and walked out into the chilling autumn air. It was almost October. 

I walk back to my dorm, taking a detour. I head to the oh so familiar oak tree at the center of campus. 

I lay down under its huge branches, staring into the colorful sky. A mixture of blue's, red's, orange's, Pink's and purples flood my vision. 

A warm fluttery feeling is felt in my chest and I sit up. Looking to what I'm assuming is the west, as I see stars starting to fill a section of the sky. I decide that it's finally time for me to head to my dorm. 

I walk through the once crowded halls, taking in the scenery. The world seemed brighter than it once was. 

I walk into my dorm and see James, sniffling, cuddled in blankets and tissues surrounding him.

"Hey, *gay sniffle* Thomas." His voice is nasally. 
"Hey, James..." I say hesitantly. "You still sick?"
"Yes." He frowns. I leap to sit by him on the couch. 
"Then we are doing the usual, watch movies, eat popcorn and cuddle in warm, electric blankets!" 

"Yay!" He says rather weakly. I grab the popcorn put in a movie and grab all the electric blankets I find in our dorm and James and I cuddle up on the couch. 

"How's Alex?"
"He's fine. He had an infection and had to go into surgery. He only had a 35.8% chance of living." 
"What?! Why didnt you tell me?" 
"Mmmm, I don't know. Maybe cause, you were sick?" 
I chuckle and press play on the movie. 
"But he's alive and okay right?" 
"yes. Yes, he is." 

The words the doctor said resonate (Ooo big word) in my mind. 

He made it. He's okay. 

He's okay. 

He's okay. 

I'm okay.

We're all okay. 


My Alex. 

A/N OOOOOOOO Do I smell a protective and possessive Thomas? No, no I don't. At least Not yet. Well, did I get ya in the beginning or did you know all along? I told ya rollercoaster of emotions! I might be updating every other day now since I have a second book, but we'll see how long I can keep the updating every day up. Anyway, Thanks for reading, commenting and voting. Hope you enjoyed. And 

Faded memories// JamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now