Chapter 45

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"Here." Thomas takes the blankets and instantly cuddles up into it.
Jeez, he's so adorable!  



*Time Skip brought to you by foods* 

I brought out the food and he nibbled away. 

"This is nice." He mumbles taking another bite of his salad. 
"Yup. And I gots a whole lot more to do!" He looks at me a little surprised.

I grab my phone and connect it to the blue tooth speaker I brought with me. I scroll through my playlist until I find a song. 

One the song starts playing I see his face light up. It's a bit of a sadder song but I know he likes it. 

He starts to hum along swaying slightly. I take his hand and make him stand up and grab his hips loosely and sway to the music. 

"Waiting here for someone." I sing out the first lyrics, looking up to him. 
"Only yesterday we were on the run." Thomas only mumbles the lyrics. I hold him a little tighter. 

"You smile back at me and your face lit up the sun." I smiled brightly up at him. 
"Now I'm waiting here for someone." He sang a little louder this time. 

We swayed silently for the rest of the song. I held him tightly and laid my head against his chest. 

After the song ended we didnt stop swaying. We kept dancing in our fantasy wonderland. I couldn't feel the cold on my fingertips or my nose. It was just 


"Songs over...." He whispered staring at me. 
"I know," I whispered back. I got up on tip-toes and gently kissed him.

I hesitantly pulled away. 

"Do you want some chocolate?" I ask and he immediately starts to laugh. I join in shortly after. I hold his hand and we walk back to the warmth of the blankets. 

"Do you really have chocolate though?" He asks once we're settled again. I laugh and pull out a box of chocolates. 

He squeals and snatches the box of chocolates. 
"You're too cute!" He blushes but continues to stuff his cheeks with chocolates. 

"So what else you got planned?" He asks once he doesn't have chocolate in his face. 
"More music, more food, drinks, some games. Cuddling." I list off everything but the surprise for when it gets dark outside. Which is around 5. 

"Oh, that's nice. So! games!!!" He bounces a little in anticipation for what I have planned. 
I laugh and bring out his favorite board game. 


He claps and lunges for the box pulling it out of the box and setting up the board. 

*Time skip* 

"Peacock in the hall with the knife!" He reaches for the packet holding the cards and carefully pulls them out looking at the cards. 

"HA HA!!! I was right!" He throws his arms up in the air in triumph. 

I laugh, this being the fourth time he' beat me. 
"You're too good t this game." 

He smirks and takes a drink of his orange Fanta. 

"Whatever. " I roll my eyes and smile at him. 

I take a sip of my Sprite and think of what else to do next. 

"Hey you want to listen to some more music?" 

"Sure  whatcha got?!"

After think for a few seconds I click into my music app and search for a song. Hey 

"Love is the hardest. Love is a battle" 

The first line rings out and he smiles lightly. I know he loves Sias Christmas album. 

Faded memories// JamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now