Chapter 28

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I opened my laptop to start working again and then----
Then I got an email.   


*Thomas*(Yup Imma make ya'll wait!) 

My classes are finally over for today! I have a shift at the cafe and then I'm gonna see Alex. I decided to check on James. 

"Hey, James!" 
"Thomas in the kitchen!" I head to the kitchen and see he is trying to get some cough drops.  
But he looks a little better. 

"Here." I hand him the cough drops. 

"You look better." 
"Yeah, I should be able to head back to classes tomorrow." 
"Oh good."

"Alright, well I have to go. I want to finish my shift asap so I can see Alexander." 
"Okay. Bye, see ya later tonight." 
"Bye, James." I rush out of the door trying to get to the cafe on time. If I'm late I have to work a little longer. 

Walking into the cafe I pat my co-worker on the shoulder on the way to te lockers, something I do to let her know her shift is up without wasting time. 

I quickly slip on my on my uniform and head back to counter. 

"Bye, Thomas." 
"Bye, Maria." 

Maria Lewis. 

I had to train Maria a few weeks back. 

I focus my mind on working. Most of the time I busy myself and the time seems to pass a lot faster that way. 

The cafe isn't busy right now, even though a lot of students have time right now. 

I lean against the counter and listen to the buzz of students talking. 

Then a familiar face walks in. 

"Hey, John." 
"Oh, hey, Thomas." 
"What can I get for ya?" 
"Um, coffee and a chocolate chip muffin." 
"Black or...?" 

I start brewing the coffee. I get his muffin and hand it to him. 
"This for Alex or something" 
"No. Why would you think that?" 
"Oh, well you never get black and Alex usually does." 
"Oh. Oh, I mean makes sense, I just need something strong right now."

I just nod. 

This is very unlike John. He's usually all happy and a ray of sunshine. But right now, he seems tired and like he has something on his mind. 

I wonder what happened. 

"To go?" 

I pour his coffee into a cup and put a lid on. Handing the cup to him. 

"Here." He hands me the money. I can't help he just seems so out of it. 
"Wait! Hold on." 

I can't make it free, but I can... 

"But that would mean I only paid a dollar?" 
"Yeah, just, you seem like you've had a rough day." 

He seems shocked and confused, his jaw slack. I smile. 

"It's fine John. Have a nice day though, okay?" 

He closes his mouth and nods, turning and walking away.

I continue on with my shift. 

I work until around 5, the sun already setting due to the winter season. 

I walk hurriedly back to my dorm. 

Walking in, James is on the couch scrolling through his phone eating cereal. 
"Hey, how was the shift?"

"Not bad. It wasn't busy. I'm going to see Alex now, you well enough to come?" 

He thinks. 

"Nah. I wouldn't want to get Alex sick anyway. Tell him I said 'hi' and that 'I hope he's doing better.' OKay?"

I nod and walk to my room. I search around looking for my small bookbag. I was gonna stop by a little toy store by the hospital and get Alex a little plushie lion. Just cause I know Laf calls him a petite lion. I hope he likes it. 

I grab my bag and my leather jacket and rush out. 

I walk towards the hospital. The night air is cool and crisp. It almost hurts my lungs to breath it in. 

But I like night time. The stars bring me comfort. Just reminds me of when I was little and every night when I could, I would lay down on the soft grass in my backyard and just stare at the sky for what felt like hours. Before my mom would call me in for dinner. 

I take in a deep breath and breathe out, seeing my breath. 

We take our semester finals in 2 weeks then we're off for winter break. I hope Alex is better by then. He hasn't missed much in class. The teacher's voice records their lectures and sends them to him. 

The workaholic. 

I see the toy store and walk in. The bell ringing as the door opens. 

"Hey! Let me know if you need help finding anything." I see a man pop up from beneath the cashier register.
"oh, well I'm looking for like a little plushie of a lion. Do you have those?" I see him think about before nodding, walking to the back of the store.
"Wait here." 

I stand and look around the shop. 

Faded memories// JamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now