Casey Forbes

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This bus ride could not end soon enough I'm so ready to be able to put me feet on stable ground again.
Just then I see it, the sign welcoming me to town, Mystic Falls.

I'm coming here to live with my annoying peppy cousin Caroline for a while. Some things happen back home so my mother wants to ship me away.
Anyways Caroline thinks I'm coming tomorrow she doesn't know I'm getting in tonight, I'm going to hangout with my best friend as soon as I get off this stupid bus.

Soon enough the bus comes to a vault in the towns center I step off the bus into the dark cold and crisp air. A sigh of relief, I stretch my legs and stroll into the grill where we were set to meet.

A big smile comes across my face as I'm greeted with my childhood best friend, he engulfed me in a huge hug.

"Jeremyyy" I sing relaxing into his bear hug.
"Casey Forbes" he smiles
"The one and only" I smile doing a little twirl.

We sit down and he buys me dinner. We talk and talk and catch up on everything. I can't believe I'm back in this town.

"So does Caroline know why you're here?"

"My mom told her I was just too much to handle so she wanted to send me here for awhile, so to answer your question, no."

"Hey you wanna go smoke one out back?"

"Yes sure let's go!"

We head out the back of the grill and Jeremy lights up a joint. We sit and talk for a couple more hours.
Suddenly we hear rustling in the alley way beside the grill we ignored it but then out of nowhere Jeremy was pinned to the wall by some man.

"Ahh little Gilbert, where's Elena?"

He was inches away from Jeremy's face.
"Leave him alone or I'm calling the cops you asshole."
A devilish smirk appears on the mans face he somehow speeds over to me in a flash, I was scared but I stood my ground, he had me pinned to the wall now, his grip was harsh.

"Klaus leave her alone tonight is her first night in town. She doesn't know."

"Well I think now she should." The smirk reappears. He tilts my head to the side.
"This will only hurt a bit love."
Just as his mouth is about to come into contact with my neck he then wooshed away leaving me in utter shock.

Jeremy took me home and told Care everything. Caroline sat me down and told me everything, how vampires exist and she was one of them and her and her friends were good but Klaus was bad.
I couldn't help but think if he was so bad then why didn't he bite me? Why did he decide to run away?

-The Next Morning-

I woke up bolting forward from my nightmare I had a dream Klaus was after me and he was standing in my room watching me sleep. It was pretty cold in my room and then I noticed it. My bedroom window was open and I know for a fact it was closed when I went to sleep. Maybe my dream wasn't a dream at all maybe it was real but if so how did he get into the house without being invited in? Something doesn't make sense here.

Anyways today was my first day at school so I got up and took a quick shower, I couldn't help but feel as though I was being watched.
I get out and start on my hair blow drying it then making it wavy, next I do my makeup and then it's time to pick out my outfit. I wasn't really big on "first impressions" or caring what I looked like so I just put on a white crop/flowy tank with a black short sleeve cardigan over it and some Burgundy sweat pants and black boots.
Taking a final glance at myself in the mirror I headed out the door ready for my first day even if it was a waste of time.

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