Almost as beautiful

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I woke up in a very good mood this morning despite last nights events. After all it was Saturday, finally!
I'm normally not into girly things but Caroline Elena and Bonnie wanted to take me shopping for some new clothes because I didn't bring a lot with me when I moved, I literally only brought like 2 bags.
I pulled myself out of bed and took a nice long hot shower.
I left my hair to air dry causing it to be natural and curly. Like I said I didn't bring many clothes with me some my options were slim. I decided on a huge sweater that looked more like a dress, paired with combat styled heel boots and knee socks.
I added a necklace and some rings.
I headed out the door quietly so I didn't wake Caroline or her mom.
I struck out to the nearest coffee shop.

As soon as I arrived I noticed a blonde girl sitting in the corner eyeing me. I didn't recognize her as one Caroline's friends because she would have introduced me by now.
I was handed my coffee and I sat down at a table and decided to read a bit. I pulled out my book and began to read, I got lost in the pages hanging on to every last word the author wrote. I had always been interested in books and this one was simply captivating. Reading has always inspired me to write a book of my own one day but for now I just dabble in a few poems here and there. I finished a couple of chapters and realized I had been reading for over an hour now. I quickly gathered my things ready to head back to the house. As I turned to leave a bumped into someone knocking my book to the floor and nearly my coffee all over us.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'm so clumsy." I said very embarrassed. I went to pick up my book but the other person was already grabbing It from the floor.

"Ahh into love stories are we now love? Ya know all this running into each other it must be faith" he joked. There stood Klaus of course, who else would it be knowing my luck.

"Oh hey, what are you doing here? Stupid question sorry you're obviously getting coffee it is a coffee shop we're in so duh" I rambled on nervously. I looked down blushing at the fact that I just made an absolute fool of myself.
He chuckled at my clear nervousness.

"Actually I'm just meeting my sister this morning there she is over there."
He pointed to the blonde girl who was eyeing me earlier.
"Well I've got to go, see you later!"
I darted out the door and made my way back home.
He must think I'm so stupid I caught myself thinking mentally...
What do I care anyways? It's not like I like him or anything.

-Fast forward to shopping-

All the girls are here and we are about to head to the mall. We go to get into Caroline's car and suddenly I stop, multiple flashbacks coming to mind. I stood there frozen. I couldn't move, I couldn't get into the car.
Finally I snap out of my shockful state.

"Hey guys why don't we just walk, it's not that far." I stated.

"Cas c'mon get in, it's okay." Caroline pleaded.

"Yea Casey, it's okay, I know how you feel but you have to conquer that fear someday." Elena stated knowingly.
She smiled an apologetic smile as I nodded and hopped in the front seat.
We headed for the mall.

I found a lot of cute stuff and tried on way too many clothes. Bonnie and Caroline were forcing me to try on some of the girliest things though which was driving me crazy, but I actually liked a couple of them.

We had so much fun shopping together. The girls expressed to me they rarely get days like this because of obvious reasons.

Our shopping trip was coming to an end and of course on our way out we passed Victoria's Secret. So we all went in and got some cute matching sets. We decided to try on lingerie just for fun. Elena ended up getting some to wear for Stefan, Caroline for Tyler and Bonnie got some for her mystery man that none of us knew about and I got some just Incase anybody ever showed interest in me, not likely.

-Back Home-

It was pretty late and it decided to put on a bit of makeup before heading to Klaus'.
Surprisingly enough it was only a 10 minute walk from my house.
As I got closer I suddenly grew more and more nervous with each step.
I stood in front of the huge house that was practically a mansion.
I knocked on the door and within a couple seconds it swung open revealing the same girl from at the coffee shop.

"I assume you're here for Niklaus. Nik your plaything is here." She said rudely.

"Now Rebekah play nice." He appeared in front of me and Rebekah stormed pass me out the door.

Klaus grabbed my hand showing me inside the massive house.
We walked to the living area and I took a seat on the sofa as Klaus poured us a drink. I was nervous and I know he could tell. My heart was practically pounding out of my chest.
It was a bit quiet for a minute so I decided to start the conversation.

"Thank you... f-for last night."

"No need to thank me love I was just out handling some business when I saw you standing in the road talking to yourself." He stated truthfully.

"I was asleep.. I-I have bad night terrors around a certain time every y-year."
I spoke clearly not wanting to get fully into it all.

"I'm sorry to hear that love. Just glad I was there for your saving." He smirked.

Just then he had to take an important phone call, he walked out of the room leaving me to my thoughts.

I decided to get up and wonder a bit, not in a weird way. I found a room and slowly entered it. It was full of beautiful paintings. I was in awe walking around the room looking at them all. There had to be a hundred.

"I wondered where you ran off to, love."
Klaus spoke startling me.
I jumped and started laughing at what had just happened.

"Sorry I like to wonder" I said still smiling up at him.

We were inches apart, he was looking down at me with a slight smile on his face as I looked up doing the same.

In that moment everything seemed to stand still and he didn't seem to bad the big bad guy that everyone made him out to be.
"These paintings are almost as beautiful as you." He smiled

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