The Scream

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I was woken up to the sound of Klaus'booming voice echoing through the room. I open my eyes and then Iremember, shit. I stayed with Jeremy last night who was now thrownacross the room and being held by his throat, struggling to get outof Klaus' grip.

"Klaus stop! Nothing happened! I justfell asleep here and I had nowhere else to go." I tried to explain.

"Nowhere to go!? As if I am nowhere?!You of all people I would think would know not to betray me! You canstay here because you certainly are not welcomed back in my home."He looked hurt and careless all at the same time. This is just myluck I get him back and then somehow I fuck it all up. I understandwhere he is coming from and how this could look but then again Ican't help but feel as though he is blowing this out of proportion.

I sat down on Jeremy's bed as he didthe same. I broke down into tears, sobbed into my best friends arms.I didn't know who I had become. I quickly get up and thrown on someclothes I left here a while ago and head down stairs deciding Ishould probably go to Caroline's.

I walked down the stairs only to seeeveryone standing in the living room looking right at me. I guessKlaus had stopped to speak with them on his way out because he stoodamong them. I felt embarrassed because I knew they had all just heardwhat happened play by play. I ran the rest of the way down the stairsand out of the door, hearing them shout after me.

I kept running and running until mylegs gave out and there was a taste of blood in my mouth. EventuallyI stole a car and drove until I found the next town. It wasn't toofar from Mystic Falls but it was far enough. I ditched the car andgot a hotel room for the night.

It was still pretty early so I decidedto spend my day shopping and getting things off my mind for a bit.

I got a lot of cute clothes and now Iam in a book shop, it was huge! I could get lost in here forever.

It had two stories so I spent theafternoon exploring book after book, even reading a couple. I hadn'tfelt this calm in a long time. I really love it here. I decided tohead back to the hotel and crash for the night. I went to sleepfeeling peaceful and more at home by myself than in a room full of myfriends.

2 Months later

So I ended up getting an apartment andI've been living here for a little over 2 months. Everyone has beentrying to contact me, everyone except Klaus. I haven't spoken to anyof them except Damon. He doesn't know where I am but I told him I wasokay and I just needed to get away from everything for awhile. Thatwas a month ago. I honestly didn't want to go back I was very contentbeing here by myself.

I was walking through town going to myfavorite coffee shop, when I saw a very familiar face.

"Elena!? What are you doing here?"

"Oh hey! And nothing I tend to comehere and visit sometimes, to get away!"

"oh cool... Listen, please don't tellanyone you saw me here... I don't want to come back to mystic fallsElena I really don't..."

"My lips are sealed, I promise!"

We talked for a little bit longerbefore parting ways and I continued to get my coffee. I couldn't helpbut notice she had been a little awkward the whole time. She didn'tseem interested in talking to me at all, she wouldn't make eyecontact with me, she seemed rushed and distracted. I guess theyreally didn't miss me at all. I know I said I like being by myselfbut that confirmation that nobody cares that I'm gone reallyshattered me. I'm on my way home to make some lunch and when I getthere my chest started to get very heavy and I kept hearing thesevoices and whispers and then they turned to screams and my ears wereringing and it wouldn't stop. I couldn't control what was happening,I fell to my knees and let out a blood curdling scream, then I passedout.

I woke up to the sound of my phoneringing. It was Stefan, he never calls me...


"Casey I need you to tell me whereyou are right now I have to come get you, something has happened."

"What happened Stefan?"

"Its best I tell you In person, Im sosorry Cas."

I sent him my location and he was therewithin the hour.

I heard a Knock and opened the door, itwas pouring down rain I had been too distracted to notice. I starredat him for a minute before realizing I had to invite him in.

"O-oh uh s-sorry, come in."

"Thanks" he spoke very muffled. Icould tell what ever has happened, he was scared to tell me.

"Casey I'm so sorry....I-I don't knowhow to tell you this..."

"TELL ME STEFAN!" We both had tearsin our eyes. I was scared... this would destroy me.

"Jeremy's dead, and he's not comingback Cass."

I collapsed falling to my knees, Stefancaught me and pulled me into his chest. My whole body went numb, mymind went black. My best Friend...the boy I'd known all of my life,was gone.

I couldn't help but think of one thing.

"Stefan.." I sat up, I wasn'tcrying anymore but I wasn't calm I was just numb.

I looked deep into his eyes and asingle tear ran down my cheek.

"I felt him die Stefan."

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