Pain fades

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3 hours I've been waiting for this tiny little human that I cared so deeply about to wake up. Her body was lifeless.
I held her in my arms clutching her body.

"Please please PLEASE WAKE UP!" I shouted. I feel the rage growing, it's coursing through my veins.

I got some of my blood to go down her throat after she passed out. I don't understand why she won't wake up.

I stand up holding her bridal style and run as fast as I can to Caroline's house.

She stood outside talking to Elena and Stefan and Damon.

I yelled desperately needing their help.

"Oh my gosh what happened?!"

I tell them everything how she showed up at my door and slit her arms open right in front of me, screaming for her dad. Caroline takes her into the house and I am left standing on the porch. They refused to let me in, not believing that I had nothing to do with this. I would never hurt her. She has to wake up I need her to wake up.

Still Klaus POV

I was traveling around the world in 2016. I stopped in California. I was walking through Downtown LA when I spotted a girl walking down the street smoking a joint. She had a good on, headphones in and her head down. She didn't seem to care that it was so dark out and she was by herself. I stalked behind her in the darkness. I could smell the sweet blood running through her veins. She had no idea what was about to happen.
Just as I was about to attack a man walking towards us bumped into her pushing her to the ground cussing her. Just as I was about to interfere she stood up punching the man in the face throwing him to the ground. She picked up her joint she had dropped in the process, lit it back up, and continued walking.
I knew I had to meet her.

-flashback over-

I sat outside her house until morning. I heard shuffling around, she was awake. I heard her running down the stairs and she bolted out of the House tackling me to the ground hugging me as tight as her little body could hug.
A sigh of relief rushed over my body.
She's alive.
She looked at me fully of light and full of energy with a huge smile on her face.

"You've got to stop saving my life." She laughed.

I chuckled lightly, I couldn't take my eyes off of her beautiful face.

"You've gotta stop needing my saving love."

Without another word she leaned down and placed her lips to mine. In that moment I felt the pain of a thousand years fade away.

She was sprawled out across the couch, head in my lap as we watched a movie, it was a scary movie. What was the movie about you ask? Vampires. She picked it out after finding out about my secret.
I couldn't help but fall in love with how childlike she acted when she got excited, every time something new would happen she would ask questions like; is that true? Can you do that too?
She was so innocent and so pure. She had so much light that was hidden. She masked it by this "bad girl" reputation. She's not really so bad.
So much has changed since that time.

When the movie ended she wanted to see me "zoom really fast through the house". I smile at the memory.
She stood waiting patiently for me to run, when she least expected it I picked her up and sped around the house listening to her scream in excitement.
I put her down and she fell out in the floor laughing uncontrollably. I laid on the floor with her and she sat onto of me like so. She leaned down and we kissed for the very first time. Just like now, I felt the pain of a thousand years fade.

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