Death Consumes Me

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Apparently Katherine was back and she was the reason Jeremy is dead. Elena burned her house down with Jeremy's body in it, she also flipped her switch.

Therefore, Silas is on the loose and so is Katherine, which come to find out is who I was talking to yesterday, not Elena.

I was in the car with Stefan on the way back to Mystic Falls. It was the most silent car ride ever. Normally I would at least be happy about seeing Klaus but we haven't talked since the fight about Jere.

I don't understand any of this. It's like death consumes me and is always around me, taking those I lovemost. My dad, Klaus died but came back, and now Jeremy. Death is something I cannot escape.

We arrived and the Salvatore house,Damon was waiting outside for my arrival. I hoped out the car and ran to him and into his arms. He just held me there for as long as I needed. Everyone was inside discussing a game plan but I didn't wantto be around them just yet. Damon and I sat out on the front steps talking about everything. Damon understood me better than anyone other than Jeremy of course.

Yes, Elena was his sister and Yes,Bonnie was his girlfriend....

But nobody was as close to Jeremy as I was. We were both outsiders but we were outsiders together. We spent every waking minute with each other when we were younger, we could be ourselves together. Every broken heart, he would let me cry into his arms. Every bitching female I disliked he would let me vent and scream at him. Every time I had a bad day and needed to numb that pain, he wouldn't judge me. He took care of me, always. He was a once in a lifetime gift that I've lost and will never get back.

I cleaned myself up and wiped my tears on Damon's shirt to which we joked about before finally heading inside. Everyone was there, except Elena of course. I walked passed them and headed upstairs but not before catching Klaus' eye. He glanced at me quickly hoping I wouldn't see, but I did. Damon had told me I could use his shower to freshen up a bit, so I did.

As soon as I got in the shower I broke down against the cold tiled floor. The water running over my whole body as I sat there, knees to my chest and let it all out. I cried about everything, my dad, Klaus, Jeremy, not feeling worthy of life,everything. I've cried more today than I ever had...

After about 30 minutes, I got my life together and got dressed heading downstairs. Only Stefan, Rebekah,Damon and Elijah were down there,Klaus too of course. The others had left. I walked over to the sofa and sat down while Damon poured me aglass of bourbon and gave it to me. He sat down on the arm of the sofa right beside me. I kept my gaze on the floor and continued to sip my drink every now and then. I felt Klaus' eyes on me the whole time. Soon enough everyone got the hint we needed some alone time.Everyone except Damon.

"Damon." Stefan called out.

"Oh no brother, if you think I'm-leaving them alone in the same room together you have lost it."Damon stated matter of factly. I giggled.

"Its okay Damon." I smiled assuring him I would be okay.

"Okay well remember I'll be right in the next room over, listening to everything." He exaggerated the last part towards Klaus. It was actually comical how protective Damon was over me.

"Good Evening, my love." he smirked sitting as close to me as he could on the sofa. "I'm not your"love" klaus." I quickly responded.

"And when did you come to that conclusion, love?" He's trying to get under my skin and it's working.

"Maybe when you accused me of cheating with my best friend who is now d..." I stopped. I couldn't bring myself to say that out loud. Klaus was now eyeing my every move.

The voices are back, starting at a whisper then getting louder and louder. My ears started ringing and I clutched my temples in response grunting. I dropped to me knees on the floor, Klaus right beside me holding my fragile body in his arms as if his life depended on it.

The only way I could get release was to scream but if the theory is right, someone else is dying, someone I-care about is dying right now.

"It's alright love,scream you can scream." Just as the words left his mouth so did the scream out of mine.

Normally when I scream it relieves all the pressure and pain I am feeling but this one did not. I was still doubled over in pain after this scream had left my mouth.

"Klaus this person is suffering,they're in pain." I cried. I could see his heart breaking seeing me like this. He was trying to be so strong for me.

Damon and Stefan began calling all of our friends to make sure they were okay and they were.

"Cass is there anyone else you could possibly think that it might be?" Stefan questioned me carefully putting his hand on my back and rubbing little motions on it. Just then it hit me. I sat up frozen, starring into nothing. I got to my feet, everyone's eyes on me. I looked at Klaus, "take me home as fast as you can." He grabbed me in his arms and we were off as fast as he could run.

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