I feel nothing

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I woke up with a smile on my face remembering last nights events. I rolled over wanting to cuddle with Klaus but to my surprise he wasn't there. There was a note on the night stand so I picked it up and started reading it.

"My dear Casey,

I am off handling some business today,feel free to stay here for the day. I will be back later this evening. There is breakfast waiting for you downstairs. Also, your favorite wine is in the fridge. I will see you when I get home my love.


I finished reading the note and then Picked up the single red rose he left with it. I brought it to my nose and smiled the biggest smile I could've ever smiled, I was happy. I was so beyond grateful to have Klaus back in my life and being able to remember all of our memories together. He always felt like to home to me even when I couldn't remember him.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I remembered he said breakfast was down stairs. Excitement filled my body, I feel like I rarely have time to eat anymore with all the madness that goes on. I throw on some shorts and a sports bra and head down stairs. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw my breakfast. He compelled someone to make me a whole buffet or all of my favorite Breakfast foods. I made me a plate pilling it high with pancake andanother with avocado toast and a couple of other things, then I headed to the TV room to watch some Netflix. Before I know it I've been sitting there watching Netflix for 5 solid hours...Netflix am Iright?

I decide it's time to get my life together so I go upstairs and hope in the shower then I get a bright idea of what to do to pass the time. I hurried with my shower washing my body and my hair. Once I was done I got out the shower and changed into some shorts and a read sweater.

I'm so glad I have Klaus back in mylife but I just feel like I've always been the same, I've never changed in anyway. It really is time for a change.

2 Hours Later

Two long hours had passed and I was Finishing styling my new hair! I was so excited I've never done anything like this before and by myself! I was cleaning up the bathroom when I heard rustling around downstairs. I crept down tryingto be as quiet as possible, to my relief I see it is Klaus coming through the door. I ran the rest of the way down the stairs and jumped into his arms he was startled at first but then wrapped his arms around me picking me up and completing one full spin before sitting me back on the ground.

"Ahh I could get use to those welcome Homes again." He stopped taking a step back to really look at me before adding.

"Short hair looks ravishing on you my darling." I beamed from ear to ear just then Damon and Stefan walked in abruptly.

"Head on upstairs love, I'll be there Shortly." he spoke in a way that was commanding me but not harshly,I knew he had business to discuss. I nodded heading up the stairs I decided to read for a bit and continued to so for about 30 minutesbefore I heard shouting. I ran down stairs now seeing not only Damon and Stefan but Caroline and Tyler as well.

Klaus turned his back to them "Cas please go back upstairs love, everything is fine."

I nodded then I made eye contact with Damon. I stopped frozen with fear as Damon gave me an apologetic look. Before I could question it he stuck the white oak stake into Klaus' chest from behind

"NOO DAMON NO" I screamed.

Klaus fell to his knees, I ran down the stairs collapsing beside him, pulling him into my lap.
"You can't leave me I just got you back."
Tears were pouring down my face as I watched the life drain from his eyes. For the first time in my life I felt nothing but hatred for my no longer best friend Damon Salvatore.

I laid Klaus down on the floor carefully, not wanting to harm his lifeless body anymore than it already was. I stood up and walked over to the table beside the couch picking it up and slamming it on the floor and screaming, the tears wouldn't stop. How could Damon take away the love of my life that I just got back.
It felt like my heart was just ripped out of my chest I physically felt it break.

"Casey I had to." he said, looking at me with sadness and regret in his eyes.

I said nothing to him, instead I picked up a leg from the table with a sharp point and drove it through Damon's stomach over and over again while looking him dead in the eye, I wanted him to hurt as much as I was hurting, I had no regret. I pulled it out for the last time and Stefan use his Vamp speed and strength to pin me to the opposite wall.

Damon regained his strength while I continued to look at him. The man I once called my best friend just pushed me over the edge he completely broke me.

"I hope you rot in hell, you are dead-to me Damon Salvatore!" I screamed through all the tears. Everybody looked at me with pitty and sadness in their eyes. Suddenly I felt different, like something just washed over my whole body. I felt numb, I wasn't upset anymore I wasn't angry, I felt nothing.
I pushed Stefan off of my jumping the table leg I stabbed Damon with.
I went upstairs and packed all the clothes I had here at Klaus' and then I left, nobody even tried to stop me. I never want to return to mystic falls and I never want to see any of the monsters again.

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