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A lot has happened in the past coupleof weeks. Klaus nearly killed Elena, he pushed me away, his brotherElijah came back from the dead, Stefan turned off his humanity and is god knows where right now. I thought coming to this town would begood for me but I'm honestly starting to regret it. It really hasn'taffected me that much but my friends haven't had time to hangout withme, Jeremy even left town. Elena had Damon compel him to leave. I'mglad he did. Klaus made one of his Hybrids attempt to run Jeremy over with his car.

Klaus freaked out on me about a weekand a half ago saying "He couldn't mess up my life again",whatever that means.

He compelled me. Told me to leave him alone and never talk to him again because I deserve better.

Even since that day I can feel myself fighting the compulsion, I know its impossible but I still try sohard. I feel like something is missing.

Caroline was trying to hold it together for the sake of me and her friends, Elena was a mess, she wasobsessed with finding Stefan and getting him back but he was with Klaus and I don't think he is coming back anytime soon. Bonnie hasn'treally been around a whole lot since Jeremy left, we all found outthe were dating by the way. Jeremy texts me all the time, and weFaceTime every night.

He wasn't really all that surprised when I told him about Klaus and what he did to me. He was sorry buthe saw it coming, he told me to never trust him.

Right now I'm currently writing in my Journal about everything that's happened because that seems like thenormal thing to do in this town, literally everyone here keeps a Journal.

The doorbell rang and since I'm the only one home I go downstairs to answer the door.

I opened the door only to reveal Elijah, who I had gotten surprisingly close to. I invited him in andwe walked into the kitchen.

"Whats up? How have you been?" I questioned.

"I've been as good as one can be when you have a brother like mine. Speaking of my brother I have someunresolved problems with him right now." he wasted no time.

"No offense but what does this haveto do with me? I was told to leave him alone. Hey I think Care has ablood bag she could spare if you want, you look a bit peckish." I joked grabbing one out of the fridge.

He gladly excepted it.

"I don't want to get into all the right now let's hangout for a bit shall we?" he tried changing the subject.

"No we cannot "hangout" until you spill your guts. You brought it up and you obviously came here to talk so talk Elijah." I said sternly.

"Niklaus and I are having a bit of a misunderstanding, and you mean a great deal to him dispite his recentactions. Nik would never want you to get hurt because you knew toomuch. Therefore, I want you to remember. Remember everything Casey."He compelled me.

My brain flooded with memories that hadbeen previously compelled away by Elijah a couple of years ago. I screamed, falling to the floor in agonizing pain, my head felt like it was going to expload. Just then Caroline and Elena and Damon burst through the door. I couldn't stop screaming.

"Elijah what the hell is going on!"Caroline rushed to my side. Elena followed her. They tried to calm me but the pain was too much.

Elijah spoke, "2 years ago Casey and Klaus met in California, and grew to be a very big part of each others lives. Someone was after Niklaus and if they knew about Casey and everything she knew about this world they would have killed her to hurt him. So he had me compel her memories of him away. He never wanted her to remember until it was "safe", but I'm afraid this is the only way I can gain the upper hand on mine and his disagreement." Just like that Elijah left.

"Damon help us! Please do something."Elena pleaded.

"I wish I could but there's nothing we can do, she has been compelled to remember the past 2 years of her life with Klaus odd enough. The pain wont stop until all of her memories surface and she see's them." Damon spoke, giving knowledge to the two scared girls.

Eventually Caroline and Elena leave to go find Elijah which means I'm left in the care of Damon Salvatore.

We were both sprawled out on the couch I was exhausted from everything and I was still regaining morememories here and there but they weren't coming threw that frequently, just little moments now.

My head was in Damon's lap and we laid there watching a random show on Netflix, he played with my hair trying to keep me calm. Damon was my best friend aside from Jeremy of course. Normally we would have talked about what happened by now but neither of us said a word, he probably thinks I'm so stupid forfalling Klaus 2 years ago. I knew everything about him every wrong doing, every fear, all the things he loved, everything he hated, I knew it all. The good, the bad, the ugly and I was hopelessly in love with him.

"Are you mad at me?" I suddenly questioned Damon rolling on my back starring up into his eyes.

"Are you kidding? I could never be mad at you little bit." I smiled at the nickname he made for me.

"I haven't heard that nickname in awhile, I almost didn't feel special anymore." I joked.

"Look, yes it is concerning to me that you fell in love with a psychotic murdering Vampire...but I respect you and I respect your decisions, no matter how bad they are." I said very sternly.

"and out of all the people in the world that could judge you for that I have no right, because I am so desperately in love with my brothers girlfriend and I have been since the day I met her."  I sat up in shock at the words that just left his mouth.

"Okay I know we haven't had time to hangout that much recently but c'mon how could you keep that from me!?" I squeaked with excitement. Damon and Casey gossip is my favorite gossip.

"I know I know, we need to have another drinking night soon, it's way overdue." he stated.

"Lets do it right now!" I sprang from my seat pulling Damon with me.

"No no no no a thousand times no. You need to rest you just had your brain turned into mashed potatoes."

"Oh shut up, I feel fine now and I think we could both use a drink." I pleaded.


"Fine." he sighed in defeat and we headed to the Salvatore boarding house.

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