Why'd You leave Me

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Caution: This Chapter is very triggering. Please do not read if you struggle with depression/suicidal thoughts/self harm.

Blood.. so much blood everywhere.Unfamiliar faces tried to hold me back but I fought and ran as fast as my feet would carry me. I fell to my knees not once tearing my eyes away from the seen in front of me. Her body was limp and lifeless, all the blood in her body had drained from the two deep slashes in her wrists. It was only at this moment I hadn't even spoke to her after I left. That was very selfish of me. My mother had sent me away but she had also needed me so much and I let her down.

The coroner had to practically rip her from my arms. Hours later I still sat on my knees on the bathroom floor that was soaked with water and blood from the tub overflowing.I didn't want to move fore this was the last place I had seen my mother regardless of it being her lifeless body, she was alive in here moments before. My mind raced trying to imagine what was going through her mind when she took her last breathe.

It was hours later and Klaus had relayed the message to all my friends, who were here now. They didn't bother me though. Just watched me while silent tears poured down their faces, even Klaus and Damon, the two strongest men I knew had broken down for me right in front of everyone.

I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Stefan was the first to step forward.He bent down behind me wrapping his arms around me. He picked me up trying to pull me from the traumatizing scene. Thats when I broke the most I kicked and screamed until he put me down. My friends watching in sadness. I stood up on my own two feet by myself and looked Stefan in the eyes before I snapped.

"Don't you dare pull me away from this. That's not your place you don't have the right! None of you do!" I screamed tears falling like it was nothing.

"I will pick myself up because it's all I've ever had to do. Dont you dare!" I banged my fist on his chest. Pushing him back. I repeated this after every word out of my mouth.

"I have nothing now! Nobody! Why did she leave me?! Why did she leave me when she was all I had left? She chose to leave me because she couldn't live without him anymore but guess what? Guess what Stefan he was MY DAD! If anybody gets to leave and be with him IT SHOULD BE ME!" I hit his chest one more time before he wrapped me in the tightest hug and held me as close as he could. We fell to the floor and I cried until I couldn't cry anymore not caring if nobody had seen me like this before. I cried so much Ifell into the deepest sleep I had ever been in.

My friends then moved me to my old bedroom. The girls carefully got me changed into clean clothes and the guys started cleaning up the mess my dear mother had made.

Klaus however was still standing by the bathroom door in shock, as he had just seen the girl who had always been so strong for him break all over again. He knew he had to fix her but he had no clue how.

Time Skip a couple of days

We had all justgot back from the funeral. I was sitting in my old room, in my old house, reliving old memories. After the funeral I felt at peace somehow. Having all of my friends there helped. Klaus hasn't said much to me these past few days but he hasn't left my side. I know he probably is at a loss for words. Things are so different from what they use to be with us. He doesn't know what to do to make me feel okay anymore. I however, think he is doing just fine though.

Just then I lookup from my Journal and see Damon knocking on the door frame.

"You ready kiddo?" he says with a soft smile.

I get up from my bed and check my appearance. I wore a small black crop top with a huge tan cardigan, black leggings and my black doc martins.

"Yea I think I am Damon."

We all walked out, heading for the car. I stopped, turning around to take one final look at the house I had spent all my life. The house that held all of my pain.

"We will build a much happier home than this one, one day my love." Klaus said promisingly from behind me.


"Yea I know we will." I turned back and walked away wiping a single tear from my eye as I got in the car. We had a long ride back to mystic falls,nothing like a nice road trip after your mom dies, right?

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