The Beginning of the Young Justice

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"Cassandra! Cassie, get out of bed! There's someone here to see you."

Cassie got up groggily, and rubbed her eyes to examine her surroundings. She was particularly annoyed to be woken up at such an early hour, considering the fact that it was the weekend, but when her mother woke her up with a hint of desperation in her voice, Cassie instantly knew that something was up. She looked up to see her mother eyeing her from head to toe, shaking her head dissaprovingly and then dashing to her cupboard fishing out a plain white shirt, a black linen skirt and flung them at her. She then retreated towards the door, leaving Cassie even more confused than ever.

"Mom, what the hell--"

"I told you there's someone here to see you. Someone very important. Get ready in five minutes and come to the living room immediately. Quickly now."

She rushed out the door, closing the door behind her. Cassie, in a state of utter annoyance, made her way to the bathroom to get ready. She hated being woken up without notice especially after her mother telling her that some random stranger was here to see her and rushing off without even giving Cassie the chance to ask what in the name of heavens was going on. Knowing by her mother's tone that she had to hurry, she quickly brushed her teeth, washed her face and did her hair before glancing in the mirror. She touched her face and the sudden realization about how much she had changed since the past year began to dawn upon her. She seemed to have grown taller, even taller than her mother. Reminded of her mother once again, she was still amazed as to how different she looked from her. She had wavy blonde hair, big, yet attractive blue eyes, a pale complexion and a sleek and slender body in contrast to her mother's brunette hair, pale skin and a tiny, frail body. Perhaps, perhaps.. she resembled her dad.. a father, she never got to know because he left them when she was just born.. maybe if she snuck inside her mom's closet to see if she had any photos of him stashed in her drawers.. No. Now was not the time to be thinking of mischievous escapades, she had other urgent matters to attend to. But the unending desire of never knowing her father always crawled back to her, and she would always get curious, curious to the point where she would start investigating, hoping to discover something about him, something that might help her know who he really was and why he left his own family.

However, she'd think about that later after she was done with the stranger waiting downstairs for her. Taking one last look in the mirror, she rushed down the stairs to find her mother working in the kitchen. She seemed to be engrossed in preparing a delicious meal for the stranger of a guest. Her forehead was beading with sweat, she looked tense. When her mother finally noticed her presence and turned around to address her, there was a look of impatience etched upon her face.

"What are you still doing here?" She demanded. "That woman has been in the living room for the past hour. Do you want to send her away? Where are your manners young lady?"

Cassie absolutely loathed it when her mother would start ranting to her without a particular reason. She wasn't the one being woken at six in the morning and asked to get ready for some stranger she didn't even know, not by the slighest. She had a few remarks up her sleeves, but she forced them away, not wanting to test her mother's moods.

"Fine, I'm going." Cassie finally managed and headed towards the living room, her heart thumping loudly. She was nervous to meet this mysterious woman, especially since she'd been able to convince Cassie's mom to let her talk to her. Yes, Cassie's mom was pretty much an overprotective parent, but we'll get to that part later. But what puzzled her most was the fact that her mother thought this meeting was extremely important. What could be that important? Her mother rarely engaged in conversation with anyone. Put it this way, she was an introvert, a big one at that. But to know that her mother somewhat trusted her, trusted a total stranger, judging by her tone, was truly astonishing for Cassie.

Smoothing her skirt down to her knees, she took a deep breath and stepped into the living room, to find the mysterious woman sitting quietly on one of the comfy couches and skimming through a magazine of her mother's. She smelled of mint apparently, as the aroma of mint had spread across the living room. She jerked up as soon as he caught sight of Cassie, put down the magazine and advanced towards her, extending a hand.

Cassie ignored the hand completely. She could feel the woman feeling a little insulted, judging by her facial expression, but she seemed to have forgotten about it already.

"Hello, Ms. Sandsmark. It is my utmost privelege to finally make your acquaintance. My name is Agent Chase, Cameron Chase. I work for the DEO."

"The what?"

"The DEO." Agent Chase repeated. "The Department of Extranormal Operations. We have come a long long way to find you. You're a talented young lady in whom I see great potential for the future. We know what you are, but that shall remain a secret, for now at the very least."

Cassie was even more confused than ever now. She felt that her world had completely turned upside down, as if nothing made sense to her anymore. What on earth was this woman talking about? The woman, seemed to have noticed Cassie's unawareness of her own abilities.

"You really don't know, do you?" Has your mother ever told you anything??" She asked, clearly surprised.

"Can we all take a breath here?" Cassie snapped, all of the anger swelling up inside of her. "What the hell is going on? What abilities? What Department of god knows what? And what about my mother? Look, I don't mean to be rude but nothing you're saying makes any sense to me. I literally have no idea what you're on about. I've never even seen you in my entire life yet you seem to know everything about me. All of this is insane, now don't make me call the police."

"Look." Said Agent Chase patiently, not wanting to anger Cassie any longer. "Listen carefully. The Department of Extranormal Operations is a secret organization built primarily to discover individuals bestowed with supernatural abilities. We're always on the lookout for such individuals. We've already taken three teenagers, who coincidentally go to your school, under our guidance."

"My school? But wait.. how do you know so much stuff about me? And what makes you think I have powers, because I don't. I'm.. I'm literally on the verge of calling the police."

"Cassie, you don't understand--"

"I don't understand? A random stranger, comes barging into my house, telling me I have supernatural powers. She claims to know stuff about me, she knows the school I go to, she convinced my own mother to let her talk to me. Speaking of, MOM???" Cassie yelled, suddenly rushing towards the Kitchen, realizing she hadn't heard her mother, not once since she'd started talking to Agent Chase. "MOM?? Mom, where--"

"I'm sorry it had to end this way, but you refuse to cooperate." Cassie turned around and saw Agent Chase looming over her, looking her coldly in the eyes. Cassie already had her reservations about the suspicious motives of the mysterious woman, but now they seemed to have come true. She quickly grabbed a knife and pointed it at her. She felt as if everything had happened in a flash. She had to make sure her mother was okay. Where was she?

"What have you done to my mother?" She asked.

"Who cares?" She stated, simply. "It's you we're here for."

"You bitch--" Shouted Cassie, lunging herself at Agent Chase, before she was caught off guard. She dropped the knife, which cluttered on the kitchen floor, and noticed that somebody had shot an arrow in her neck. A wave of diziness began to wash over her and suddenly gasping for air, she dropped to the floor. Everything seemed swirly.. everything seemed hazy. She caught sight of Agent Chase smiling up at her, of a man in black gear scooping her up in his arms. She rested her head on the man's shoulder, and then she fainted, only to be surrounded by darkness.

                                                                                          * * * 

The DEO Chronicles: The Beginning of the Young Justice (Currently On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now