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Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it doesn't belong to me

Hello. My name is Katastrophe, and I am the goddess of - WAIT!!! Spoilers!!! Well, forget I said that. I never wanted to here, or do any of the things that I have done. But anyways, this is my story. It all started when I was three.

According to my mother, Sally Jackson-Blofis, when I was three, something odd happened to the city of New York. Apparently, my older brother Percy Jackson, had a large fight with a Greek Titan. Yes, I said that. A Greek Titan.

I live in a world where myths exist. My brother is the son of the god Poseidon. Though, I am the daughter of two clear- sighted mortals. Sally and Paul Blofis. So, technically, I am a full-blooded mortal. The key is technically. When I was three, directly after the Second Titan War, Percy gave me a gift.

His gift to me was a part of his reward from the gods. He requested that the Olympian Council would bless me, so I would be safer. From these blessings, I gained multiple abilities, such as fast plant growth, lightning control, undead summoning and control, natural beauty and slight charmspeak, great archery skills, and MANY others. Though, the greatest gift I received was from Poseidon. He made me a demigod daughter of his through adoption. So, I am mostly related to my brother.

Since I was eight, almost directly after the Second Giant War, I have been going to Camp Hestia during the summer. Camp Hestia is the rebuilt version of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, which were both wrecked during the Second Giant War.

Camp Hestia is most similar to Half-Blood though. The main differences between the two are the size of the camps, cabins, and defenses. Hestia is about ten times as large, mainly because of the cabins. There is a cabin for each god and goddess, Olympian, major, or minor. They also differ in size, depending on how many children the person has. For example, the Apollo cabin is about five times the size of the Nemesis cabin. The last major difference between the two camps are the defenses. Half-Blood's defense relied on Thalia's tree, while Hestia's defense is based on the power of the Hearth. They allow any person or thing to pass the barrier, as long as they have pure intentions. The second that their intentions are not pure, the barrier kicks them out of the camp.

But enough about camp. This story is about me and my friends. When my story starts, my brother was twenty, a camp counselor, and I was eleven, turning twelve...

This is Kitty speaking! If you are reading this, great! I warn you, I will not be posting often, or even regularly. I prefer quality over quantity. Enjoy the first two chapters! Also, if I have images for the items, they will be on the next images page after that chapter.

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