Levesque and Zhang

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Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I don't own it

3rd Person POV

The four people walked into the ring, Marie and Katastrophe on one side, and Zhi Ruo and Jessica on the other. Marie and Zhi Ruo walked to the center, with their Shi to their right. Then the emperors bowed to each other, and took positions, and was quickly followed by Jessica and Kat. Jessica, Kat, and Zhi Ruo took typical Chinese defensive positions, depending on their weapon of choice. Marie with her Katanas, Jessica with a Dagger-axe, and Zhi Ruo with a bronze Sabre. On the other hand, Kat was holding her left wrist with her right wrist, and was ready to grab her sword out.

Jessica then tried to strike at Marie, but found herself being blocked by Kat, who had quickly grabbed her sword, and used it to block her dagger-axe. Kat than dropped her sword, and before Jessica could react, was holding one of her knives to her throat, and called Copper with her other hand. Copper shadow-traveled over, and helped Kat pin Jessica to the ground, so that she could help Marie. With the other fight, it was clear that Marie and Zhi Ruo were evenly matched. Kat than dropped her knives, and grabbed her sword off her charm bracelet again, ran in to help, and with her and Marie working together, they managed to pin her down.

Back to your POV

I thought to myself "This is kind of fun" while Mei and I were pinning Zhi Ruo to the ground. Mei than asked her "Do you surrender to us?". She viciously replied "Never", before I dropped my sword, grabbed my daggers, and slashed at her wrist. She then said "Fine. I surrender. The Qing empire now belongs to the Tang empire. We then got off of Zhi Ruo, and helped her get up. Mei then asked "Now, can we continue this conversation peacefully?". We all sat down again, at where we were earlier, but Jessica was in a corner, and Zhi Ruo was sitting in the Shi spot to Mei. "Now, my cousin Annabeth Chase will be explaining the situation that we are faced with" Mei said, before Annabeth said "About a month and a half ago, our group of Greek demigods received a prophecy from out oracle. The prophecy goes as follows

As worlds collide, like never to be,

The blood triplets shall see,

What was really meant to be,

Underneath the world tree

And as such, I was the only demigod that knew of relatives in other pantheons, with them being Magnus and Marie. So, we sent my brother to get Magnus, which happened within the first day. Then, we set out to find Marie based on what information we had. Along our journey here, we encountered a peaceful Norse beast. Geri, the Greedy One, and beast of Odin. All Norse beasts have a line of Norse Runes around their body. As Greek beasts have a Greek Letter on their foreheads. Normally, Geri's rune line is green, the color of hunger. Instead, his rune line was red, and he was acting aggressively towards us demigods. We also found that specialized Greek materials could not hurt Geri. We must assume that those concepts remain true for all pantheons. The other thing that we found is that we could not reverse the color of Geri's rune line. Magnus attempted to pray and get a blessing, but all the runes did is flicker between green and red. We are under the belief that someone is cursing the beasts of the pantheons". Annabeth concluded.

"Well, @#$&" Levesque said, followed by Li Qiang saying "Unfortunately, due to the timing of this announcement, I cannot offer control of my empire. I can however, extend my help, and I can say that myself and my warriors shall be accompanying your group, and the Zhang empire shall be providing as much help as we can provide". "Okay. It is about seven p.m. right now. Is everyone okay with gathering all of their warriors, weapons, and supplies and meeting back here at ten a.m. tomorrow?" Marie asked. "Done" Zhi Ruo said, while Li Qiang said "It will be done. I would also like to offer shelter to any empires with people that cannot fight. We can group in my main base, and I will leave some warriors behind for safety". "Thank you for your offer. I am sure that some shall accept it. Now everyone, please travel to your homes, gather your people, and say your goodbyes" Marie concluded.

At this, Levesque started sobbing, and ran out of the room, with Li Qiang following her. After they left, Zhi Ruo and Jessica calmly walked out of the room. The second that they were gone, Annie started sobbing. "What's wrong Annie?" Magnus asked. "I-I-I don't think it could be them. There is no way it could be them" Annabeth started mumbling. "Annie, who are you talking about?" Mei asked. "Hazel-l-l Levesque and Frank Z-z-zhang" Annabeth mumbled."Hazel and Frank!?! The missing pair of the Seven?!?!? The Hazel and Frank who left because Hazel couldn't handle the PTSD, and left Camp Hestia to go try and live a normal life about a year and a half ago?!?!" I asked. "Yes. Zhang and Levesque are Frank's and Hazel's last names. They also looked exactly like if Frank and Hazel tried to change their looks. I think it is them, and I also think that explains Levesque's actions. From what we could tell, Hazel has major PTSD, and she starts to collapse at any mention of violence" Annabeth said. "That sounds about right, as Zhang arrived here with his girlfriend Levesque a year ago. He, who claimed to be of Chinese descent, and managed to start an empire. The odd thing about his empire, is that even though Levesque is his Shi, she has never fought in the imperial leadership battles. It would always be him against his two opponents, while she sits quite far away from the battle" Mei concluded. "We'll confront them tomorrow. If we can get A chance with Li Qiang alone. I believe that if we confront Levesque, she'll have a panic attack" Annabeth said. "Okay then. Let's get to bed" I said.

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