There's no way...

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Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it doesn't belong to me  

An hour later...

"Welcome to base two!!!" Mei said, as she flung her arms out while standing in front of a giant tree. She then walked over to the tree, and pushed a tiny button. A large portion of the trunk then opened up, to reveal a modern elevator. We all went inside, and then Mei said "Emperor Marie An-Mei Tang. Three guests". At the conclusion of her words, the elevator started to take them up. After a minute, the elevator stopped, and the doors opened, only to reveal a large room, with seven other doors. It looked like it was a modern dining/living room. "Welcome to my second base. The bathroom is through door one, two is the kitchen, three is the storage area and bunker, four is my room, don't go in there, and the other three rooms are guest rooms. You all can go into the third room and grab clothes for the meeting. Girls clothes are in the left, boys clothes on the right. Clothes are sorted by ranking. Annabeth and Magnus, get some of the clothes that are red and gold. Kat, get the clothes that are yellow. Get them, hen put them on in one of the bedrooms, and get back out here, so I can see if you are wearing them right" She told them.

I was waiting with Mei in the main area of the base, when they then entered the room again, each person coming out of a different room. Annabeth was wearing a thick, women's, red, Chinese style, long sleeve, collared shirt, that was covered in gold dragon embroidery. (Google the women's to the shirt (From earlier text), choose a formal looking one, and cover it is gold embroidery). She managed to pull it off and look really professional and smart in it, I was wearing a yellow cheongsam shirt, with slight orange lining (Google yellow cheongsam shirt, choose one with no decorations, than edge the seams with orange. Or replace all the decoration with orange. You choose). I felt really awkward in the shirt, but Mei said it was perfect. Finally, Magnus came out. Wearing a women's red, Chinese formal jacket. Mei bursted out laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked.

While breathing heavily from the laughing, she responded "Cousin.... that's.........a...........girl's........jacket". At this point, all of us girls fell to the floor laughing, while Magnus started blushing, and looked like a tomato. Magnus and Mei then walked back into the storage room, and Magnus came out in a red, men's, formal Chinese jacket (Choose a brighter red one).

"Okay then. I just thought of one more thing that I should be telling you guys. Each empire is represented by a special beast. Not the Zodiac ones, rat, ox, tiger, etc. But different ones. My empire is represented by the Azure Dragon. The Qing empire is represented by the Vermilion Bird, and the Zhang empire is the White Tiger. So do not talk about any animals lightly. Other than that, change out of these clothes, and pack them up, along with anything you want or need from my supplies room. I you guys can, I would suggest taking more Chinese clothes, in case of emergencies. I will be packing the rest up, and taking it with me. We will be returning to base one after this, and then heading to base three, most likely with us leaving and not returning here. Pack. We leave in two or so hours" Mei concluded.

Three hours later...

We stood in the middle of base three. "Welp. That done. Now we just need to set up, and get ready for everyone" Mei said. After that, we set up a long table, and put nine chairs around it. After which, we all changed into the formal outfits. Mei's was beautiful. She was wearing the same style of shirt as Annabeth, but there was only embroidery on the right side of her shirt. She was also wearing a long, black skirt, and red flats. She had her hair in a low bun at the base of her neck, and a blue and gold dragon piece in her hair. She did not bother to do our hair super nicely, as she said that there was no point.

At this point, two pairs came into the room. One of the pairs was two women. The one wearing red was quite short, and had her hair in a bun. The one in yellow with the other woman was taller, and had her dark hair hanging loose. The other pair was a man and a woman. The man was very tall, and seemed quite strong. He had short black hair, and a slight beard, and he was wearing red. The girl was wearing yellow, and had super short cinnamon brown hair, that was completely straight, almost like it was straightened a few minutes ago. She also had chocolate brown skin, and seemed to be very jumpy. When the second pair entered the room, they started staring at Annie, almost to the point of it being creepy. I pointed it out to Annie, and she started mumbling "There's no possible way... It can't be them... They're not here...", before Mei said "Welcome fellow emperors, and Shi. Please take a seat, and we can begin our discussion"

Mei sat at the head of the table, Magnus sat to her left, and Annabeth and I sat to her right. The others were grouped along the rest of the table. "So why did you call this meeting of emperors today, and why are there outsiders in this meeting, Emperor Tang?" Emperor Qing asked. "Well, most of us present are children of a Chinese god, these outsiders are descendants of gods and goddesses of different pantheons". At this point, Mei motioned for Magnus to introduce himself, followed by Annabeth, then me. Magnus said "I am named Magnus Chase, cousin to Emperor Tang. I am of Norse descendent, and my godly parent is Frey, the Norse god of fertility and prosperity". Annabeth then said "My name is Annabeth Chase, cousin to Magnus and Emperor Tang. I am of Greek descendent, and my godly parent is Athena, goddess of wisdom and war". I then spoke, saying "I am Katastrophe Jackson, please call me Kat, and I am considered to be of Greek descendent. My brother, a hero of war, asked for me to be adopted by Poseidon, earthshaker, and Greek god of the sea. I am also a blessed of the Olympians, the first to be in centuries" I concluded.

  At this point, emperor Qing made a slight head motion towards us, and her Shi, quickly drew her weapons, and made offensive stances towards us. The four of us, Magnus, Mei, Annabeth and I, automatically drew our weapons, stood back to back, and made defensive positions, while the Zhang pair just seemed to be looking at us in disbelief. "Well, this has gone terribly wrong" Annabeth said. Mei then seemed to stop, and calmly said "I challenge current the current emperor of the Qing empire, Emperor Qing, to a imperial leadership battle. "What is that?" I asked Annabeth, who responded with "I read about this before. An Asian imperial leadership battle is a fight between the emperors and,Shi of two empires. The goal is usually to render the other two opponents unable to battle, or have them forfeit. Killing is only allowed if mentioned in the challenge. The last group that has a representative standing gets to take over the losing group. All challenges must be accepted, and any other battles within a twenty mile radius must be stopped for the event". Mei interrupted with "And, because I do not have a Shi with me, I can choose a person that is not related to me to be a temporary Shi. SO KAT GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE NOW!!!". I ran over, and Mei started quickly explaining what the rules are "You can only have the clothes or armor that are on you. If you don't already have it, we have armor that you can wear. Other than that, you are allowed one item, that can be used for as many things as you want. For example, I could take a bag, fill it with enchantment items, and I would be able to use that. Do you need armor, or do you have something to cover that?". "Well, do you have a bathroom that I could change in?" I asked. "Yep" Mei replied, and than I headed off to the bathroom, and changed into some shorts, dollar Walmart Flip Flops, and a trashed tank top. I immediately morphed my clothing. (See picture above, and the picture blow

 (See picture above, and the picture blow

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). After I cleaned out my bag, placing most of the currently useless stuff, such as money, extra clothes, and food, in a separate bag, and made sure to leave useful things such as ambrosia and nectar in my charmed bag. Once I was ready, and had used my blessing to make my clothes my armor, I exited the bathroom, and walked back to Mei.

Mei, who was slightly confused, asked me "Do you have any armor that you could wear? I changed back into my normal, enchanted clothes, but cutting the opposing team is allowed, as long as death does not occur. I quite like your new outfit, but will you be safe?". I stopped her before she could go on any more, and said "I'm prepared". "Weapon?" She asked me again. "I got everything here. Don't worry about me" I stated, while patting my wrist. "Okay. Well, we need to get into the fighting arena. Don't hesitate to hurt them, and if you can, go for the emperor, while trying to defend me. The surrender only counts if the emperor surrenders. If the Shi say that they surrender, don't listen to them" Mei concluded, as we were walking towards the arena. I responded "Okay then, I'm excited for this".  

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